Main stories

Discontinue Origin Green, Review Teagasc Mandate, say Irish Enviro NGOs

Ireland’s flagship agri-food export marketing initiative Origin Green should be discontinued, while Ireland’s state agricultural research organisation Teagasc should have its legal mandate reviewed. And an independent body, potentially the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) should “establish and implement a robust monitoring framework to assess the full environmental impacts of food production at farm, catchment and national level.”  That’s according to the three umbrella environmental coalitions and networks in Ireland, who today launch a new policy document.  […]

Latest from EU Member States

Pesticides | Neonicotinoids Update Spring 2021

Justice Pesticides is an organisation that compiles a worldwide database of pesticide litigation. Here we share two articles from Justice Pesticides’ March newsletter. The first introduces a recently published brochure on court cases involving neonicotinoid pesticides, and the second outlines the return of neonicotinoids to sugar beet fields in France.  […]

Rural Resilience

Le Semestre rural, un outil pour mettre en œuvre une véritable politique d’ensemble pour les zones rurales

Contribution au débat autour de la Communication sur une vision à long terme pour les zones rurales, qui sera publiée prochainement par la Commission européenne, La proposition consiste à se greffer sur le Semestre européen existant, en faisant en sorte d’y inclure la totalité des préoccupations rurales – environnementales, sociales, économiques, numériques, éducatives, etc. Par Marjorie Jouen. […]

Latest from key partners

Climate Crisis | EU Agriculture Needs Systemic Solutions, Not New GM Technology

As the debate around genetically-modified “super crops” heats up, tried-and-tested solutions to tackling the climate crisis are in danger of being left out in the cold. Any deregulation of new GMOs threatens to undermine diverse and self-determined approaches to seed and food production that enhance biodiversity and soil health, and strengthen the resilience of entire agro-ecosystems, argues Stefanie Hundsdorfer. […]

Latest from Brussels

Cut The Crap, Withdraw The CAP!

Climate striker Sommer Ackerman became active in protests for a better CAP in October 2020.  She combines activism at EU level in the WithdrawTheCAP campaign with activism at national level to make agri-food policy change in Finland. […]

Latest from the ARC network

More Legumes Please!

A newly published paper seeks to reposition legumes as protagonists in policy debates and encourage us to identify policies that would better support the transformation of European food- and feed-systems to a new norm, with greatly increased production and consumption of homegrown legumes and homegrown legume-based products. A savoury account of legume policy by lead author Bálint Balázs. […]