Latest from key partners

Agroecology Can Shape and Transform EU Food Systems – Joint Policy Paper

Agroecology can be integrated into EU policy making – and it needs to be. To back this claim up, 25+ organisations have come together – including ARC2020 – with a concise new publication to show how this can be done. Using the FAO ‘10 Elements of Agroecology’ and ‘13 Agroecological Principles’ as a framework, the paper introduces how to to develop the appropriate instruments and targets for EU policies. […]

Latest from Brussels

CAP, Trilogues and National Strategic Plans – New Report Launches

What are the options for co-legislators and the Commission in the ongoing trilogue negotiations? How far are they from the European Green Deal? And what can member states do in their CAP Strategic Plans to align with Green Deal objectives? A new report sheds some light on these crucial questions. Report by ARC Policy Analyst Matteo Metta and Sebastian Lakner, commissioned by MEP Martin Hausling, it launches tomorrow. […]

Rural Resilience

PAC | Réforme post 2020 : l’ambition perdue ?

Au cours de l’année 2020, ARC 2020 a mené à bien un projet d’analyse des plans stratégiques nationaux dans le cadre de la politique agricole commune (PAC). L’issu de ce projet est un rapport, intitulé « Réforme de la PAC post 2020 : l’ambition perdue ? », dont nous présentons l’introduction écrit par son auteur principal, Matteo METTA. Nous vous invitons également à télécharger le rapport en entier. […]

Main stories

Planning for Food Commons in a Post-COVID World

How can we learn from Covid-19 to make our food systems work better? Broadly, there are two strands, argue Stephen Leitheiser and Lummina Horlings. One, an eco-modernist tech utopianism, which sees an increased use of digital and technological tools which will increase the power of corporations. The other is a food commons approach. This values-based approach needs to be nourished by more holistic, decentralised policy making for a truly resilient response to current and future crises. […]


Super Stories at Soup & Talk 2021 – Be There!

Would you like to hear the story of an urban gardener in Syria? Or about the most famous hectare in France, growing hope in a back garden in Venezuela or peatland activists in Northern Germany? Action for fair and agroecological food system transformation takes countless forms – Soup & Talk brings together a global mix of innovative initiatives ready to share their grassroots efforts with the world. The Soup & Talk good food and good farming slam is happening via Zoom this Saturday, January 16th from 15:30 to 19:00 CET, and registration is free.   […]

Rural Resilience

Naviguons en cercles, cap pour 2030 !

Depuis le tournant du siècle, ARC2020 participe à la lutte pour que les politiques agricoles, alimentaires et rurales européennes soient plus justes, plus résistantes, plus idoine à l’avenir. Tournons-nous en rond, ou naviguons-nous en cercles ? Hannes Lorenzen, président de l’association, partage quelques réflexions pour la nouvelle année et les années à venir. […]

Latest from Brussels

ARC2020 – New Report on CAP Strategic Plans

Throughout 2020, ARC2020’s Matteo Metta, along with Hans Wetzels and Rosa Melina Armijo Campos have worked on the Common Agriculture Policy, CAP, specifically the unfolding of the CAP Strategic Plans process. This work has formed the content of our dedicated CAP Strategic Plans section, and the new report which has been compiled from these policy analysis pieces. Below we present the introduction to this new report, and have made available the report to download here too.  […]

soup and talk meeting about agri-food Berlin
Latest from key partners

Soup and Talk 2021 – Tell the World about Your Good Food Initiative!

Running since 2011, Wir Haben Es Satt (WHES) has become Europe’s biggest gathering against industrial farming and for a fair and agroecological and food systems transformation. 2021 will see a unique iteration of WHES, with many activities happening digitally. With  much of the action online, this also means that people all over the world can now join in. Here we introduce a core part of WHES, Soup & Talk 2021, which ARC2020 is helping coordinate.  […]