Latest from Brussels

Fair Food Trading in the EU – have your say

Who’s got the power in the food system? A process is in motion to better understand and potentially change power relations and unfair trading practices in the production, distribution and consumption of food in the EU.You can contribute. For more, read on… […]

Latest from Brussels

July CAP briefing | Council, Stakeholders & Co-Financing

Progress towards a CAP Communication is ongoing, with two events recently. These have updated Minister and other stakeholders of the progress towards a making changes in the Common Agricultural Policy – CAP. They have also providing an opportunity to test the popularity of ideas and make the case for sector positions. Here’s our July CAP roundup. […]

Latest from Brussels

Important Access to Land Consultation Closing Soon

Progress is being made towards land access – and against land concentration – in the EU, with a consultation by the Finance Directorate General.You can read the DG FISMA consultation document and submit your own feedback. Closing date for submissions is very soon – the 7th July. […]

Main stories

Growing Food in the Post-Truth Era

The global food system has been operating in post-truth mode for decades. Having constructed food scarcity as a justification for a second Green Revolution, Big Agriculture now employs its unethical marketing tactics to selling farmers “climate-smart” agriculture in the form of soils, seeds and chemicals. […]

Latest from Brussels

New EU Organic Regulation Agreed

A preliminary agreement has been reached after 20 months of trilogue negotiations between EU Commission, Council of Ministers and European Parliament for a new organic regulation. The main outstanding issues, which delayed agreement for so long have either been settled or deferred. Here’s what this means. […]

Latest from EU Member States

Karditsa’s Social Economy – an Ecosystem of Collaboration

An important part of the recent European Rural Sustainability Gathering in Karditsa, Greece, was diverse set of field trips in the agricultural, economic and social spheres. These showcased some of the rural development initiatives in the Karditsa region – and how they are connected via an ecosystem of collaboration. Here we present a snapshot of the day. […]