Latest from Brussels

CAP, the Commission and Livestock Supports – Money Matters

There is a perception that, when it comes to the farming end of the agri-food system, CAP is primarily about supporting land owners and family farms. Is this the case? And even if so, does the Commission sometimes use the basic underpinnings of CAP to gloss over what are in fact significant, embedded supports for the most intensive end of the farming systems, including livestock? What does this mean for other producers? We attended a webinar on livestock recently, and these questions came to the fore.  […]

Latest from Brussels

Excerpt | Arche Noah report on EU Seed Marketing Reform

In preparation of the Commission’s expected proposal for a new seed marketing legislation on June 7th, here we republish with permission an excerpt from the recent Arche Noah report called EU reform of seeds marketing rules: Which seeds for a just transition to agroecological and sustainable food systems? Th e full report delves into the details on the legislative process; here we introduce the general content with an excerpt on diverse seeds and on the EU seed market as it is.  […]

Main stories

Meet the Movement Linking Civil Society with Philanthropy for Food System Transformation

In Berlin, on the eve of the Wir haben es satt! demonstration at which thousands marched for a socio-ecological agricultural future, two of ARC’s founders, Benny Haerlin and Hannes Lorenzen, sat down with Marinke van Riet to discuss her work as “chief weaver” of Healthy Food Healthy Planet. Healthy Food Healthy Planet is an intersectoral coordination effort that connects civil society actors with funders in the transition to healthy, just and sustainable food environments. […]

soup and talk meeting about agri-food Berlin
Latest from EU Member States

Five Talks to Catch at Soup & Talk 2023 – this Saturday 21st January

Soup & Talk – an event that celebrates food and farming changemakers all over the world – takes place on Saturday, January 21 from 4 – 7 pm CET. People working for fair and ecological food systems will present their successes, struggles and ideas in 5-minute interventions at the Heinrich Böll Foundation, Berlin. In person and livesteam options. So what’s happening? […]

Latest from Brussels

COP out – all eyes on 19th Dec as Council aims to derail Pesticide Regulation (SUR) 

As Ministers meet in Montreal to pontificate about biodiversity, back home in Europe they are working hard to keep nature-destroying pesticides flowing. The EU’s attempt at updating the pesticide regulation – the SUR  – may be delayed by 6 months if Ministers get their way, making final passage more difficult. Scientists and civil society are now focused on the Council Meeting 19th December when the next delay of SUR may be copper-fastened. Ashley Parsons and Oliver Moore report.  […]

Main stories

Food Security at the Crossroads: an Exhausted Model or a Sustainable One?

What are the pressures on the agri-food system, what role does CAP and wider EU agri-food policy play, and how could things be different? Here, Spanish organisations outline their problems and solutions. Topics covered include many agri-food system imbalances such as fossil fuels, nutrition, ultra-processing/malnutrition, water, soil, waste, a lack of food sovereignty and spurious war prioritisations. The need for rebalancing and the potential of agroecology are proposed for a more sustainable agriculture. […]

Latest from EU Member States

Rural Realities | Succession – Passing It (All) On To The Next Generation

For farmers, succession is more than just passing on the physical farm, land and buildings. Once you build up a successful farming enterprise, how do you ensure all of that knowledge and experience is not lost? It’s a question that preoccupies all of the farmers who participated in the “Nos Campagnes en Résilience” project. Part two of a series analysing the hot topics around transition, by the “Nos Campagnes en Résilience” team. […]

Rural Resilience

Enjeux de transition | La transmission, ou le trait d’union entre les générations

En allant à la rencontre des acteurs ruraux en France, « Nos campagnes en résilience » a fait le tour des enjeux qui les préoccupent. Bien au-delà de l’aspect matériel et la transmission de leur ferme, les paysans ont à cœur le partage de toutes leurs connaissances, le savoir-faire, l’expertise de terrain qui permet la réussite de leur projet. Car, Paysan est un métier qui se vit. Deuxième partie de l’analyse thématique. Rédaction : l’équipe « Nos campagnes en résilience ». […]

Latest from Brussels

Pesticide Regulation too Important to Delay – Civil Society Orgs

ARC2020, along with 28 other organisations, wrote and co-signed a letter on the unacceptable delays in introducing the EU’s pesticide regulation, called SUR (Sustainable Use of Plant Protection Products). Below is the full text of the letter, which was sent to Ministers for Agriculture, Environment and Health, the President of the European Parliament, AGRI and ENVI coordinators, and members of the AGRI and ENVI Committees.  […]

Rural Resilience

Un avenir à co-construire – Rencontre européenne ARC2020 en Loire-Atlantique

Début octobre, en Loire-Atlantique, l’équipe d’ARC2020 a organisé une rencontre européenne « Nos campagnes en résilience ». Le temps d’un week-end, nous avons créé ensemble un espace pour les paysans, les acteurs locaux, les organisations régionales et européennes et les décideurs politiques pour partager, réfléchir et préparer des actions pour l’avenir de nos campagnes.

Latest from key partners

Objectives are Not Enough | Pesticide Atlas 2022

Even though the EU’s pesticide legislation is the most sophisticated, it has failed to achieve a reduction in use. The EU’s Farm to Fork Strategy seeks to change that. Many questions remain. This article is an excerpt from the Pesticide Atlas 2022, published on October 18th, 2022 Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung European Union, and others. […]