
ARC NEWSFLASH October/November 2013

  Dear friends and supporters,Shirin and Oliver here. We’re nicely settled in now into our roles, and really enjoying the challenge of keeping everyone up to date on European farming and food policy issues. The Arc2020 website is, hopefully, a little easier to use and more useful for you. We’ve added big buttons which feature our CAP and Rural Development Toolkit, agricultural campaigns across Europe, and our 2000m² project, as well as a live twitter feed. Why not pop over and have a fresh look?  We look forward to hearing what you think. There’s a lot going on in agri-food politics and policy right now. Member States have been having consultations on the CAP reform process, which means they are closer to making important decisions that will effect farming, food and the environment across Europe. We’ll keep updating our toolkit and site as more information comes to hand: seehere for the latest from Spain, here for the latest from Germany, and see also what’s happening in Scotland and Ireland. The whole area of land grab to the east of the Continent has been a very hot topic on ARC2020 in recent […]

Recent updates

Stop Food Speculation

Swiss banks operating worldwide are involved in the speculation of staple food to a tune of 3,6 billion Swiss Francs. Among these banks, Credit Suisse is the single largest investor in staple food. It is unacceptable that a few investors get rich at the expense of countless poor people! Swiss NGOs Bread for All and the Lenten Fund have launched an online petition and campaign video requesting Brady Dougan, the CEO of Credit Suisse to divest his bank’s investments in stable food. Everybody can sign on! Change for better is possible. As a result of citizen pressure in countries such as Belgium, Germany or the UK, banks including Deutsche Deka Bank, the DZ Bank, and BNP in France have recently pulled out of making business with food speculation. Take a look at the one minute explosive campaign video at consider endorsing the petition. Everybody, whatever your nationality or residence can sign on!

Latest from the ARC network

Featured Campaign Action: Save Kishantos!

The Kishantos Rural Development Centre in Hungary is a unique organic farm and education centre: here sustainable agriculture, ecological farming and education have been serving society as a whole. The Hungarian Land Fund (representing the State as the owner) issued an open call tender for the rent of the lands in ten lots. If this decision is not annulled it means that the Kishantos non-profit Organisation will lose all the land as of 1 November 2013. […]

Join the Food Revolution!
Latest from the ARC network

The Greens/EFA group joins the Food Revolution!

To mark World Food Day, the Greens/EFA group today launches a new campaign platform called ‘Join the Food Revolution’. The web-based platform provides a space where people can present projects and ideas, whether big or small and create a community. EU citizens can get together to act to suggest alternative and innovative practices to the food production model currently promoted throughout the EU. So if you are passionate about good food and good farming  whether as a farmer, fisherman, food professional, organisation or citizen, you can join the ‘Join the Food Revolution’ community and be part of a political project aimed at improving EU food policy.