

Dear friends and supporters of ARC2020 This month was significant for two of ARC2020’s projects: Agro-ecological Innovation and the Good Food Good Farming campaign.  On November 15th, approximately 80 people gathered in Brussels for the final event of the Agro-ecological Innovation project: a collaboration of ARC2020, IFOAM EU Group and TP Organics. The event provided an opportunity for the partners to showcase the project to a diverse audience, and present recommendations derived from the project regarding how best to integrate agro-ecological innovation in the new policy frameworks for agriculture, and research and innovation. Launched back in March 2012, the main outputs of the project are a website and a promotional brochure of successful case studies and examples. Following the close of one project came the launch of another: The GOOD FOOD FOOD FARMING campaign. Inspired by the success of the Good Food March this summer, and with an EU-wide network of citizens who share our vision for good food, good farming and a vibrant countryside now in place; the campaign will serve as ARC2020’s campaigning tool. Keep an eye on […]

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–The Good Food March 2012

The Good Food March 2012 saw citizens, young people and farmers come together throughout August and September to call for a greener and fairer agricultural policy in Europe, as well as more democratic reform of Europe’s Common Agricultural Policy. Some set out on bike journeys to Brussels from Austria, Germany, France, Luxembourg, Holland, Belgium and the UK; whilst others organised diverse and colourful events in countries such as Poland, Finland, Romania, Bulgaria and Spain. Find some fantastic photos of the German bike route here. The aim was to raise awareness of the current CAP reform process, and enable citizens to send their demands for the future policy directly to decision makers in Brussels. The call for action was issued jointly by ARC2020, European Coordination Via Campesina, European Milk Board, Friends of the Earth Europe, IFOAM EU Group, Meine Landwirtschaft, PAC2013 and Slow Food in May 2012. Find it below: Let’s march to Brussels! да шестваме до Брюксел! Auf geht’s nach Brüssel! Lad os marchere til Bruxelles! ¡Vamos a Marchar a Bruselas! Marchons vers Bruxelles!Låt oss […]

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–Berlin Demonstration 2013

  What? Demonstration/tractor procession against industrial farming Where? Berlin, Germany When? Saturday 19.01.2013 Time? 11am March sets off from Berlin Main Station (Hauptbahnhof), 12pm Demonstration in front of Kanzleramt (Merkel HQ) On 19th January 2013, a huge demonstration against industrial agriculture (Wir haben es satt – We’ve had enough) will take place in Berlin! Coinciding with International Green Week which sees all EU agricultural ministers and Commissioner Ciolos come together in the city, and just days before COMAGRI will hold their final vote on the CAP reform, the demonstration couldn’t come at a more crucial time. Last year, over well over the 23,000 people attended the event. With the CAP debate hotting up across Europe, it hoped that 2013 will  be a truely international event. The new EU-wide strong network from the Good Food March provides an opportunity to mobilise across the EU. The Call for Action The outlook for our food and farming is bleak. Over the past 50 years, EU taxes have been used to support industrialized production. This form of agricultural is threatening the existence of our farmers […]

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–The Good Food Good Farming campaign!

Launched in 2012, the Good Food Good Farming campaign is the action point of ARC2020. Through the campaign, ARC2020 has organised common actions and mobilised citizens across Europe at key moments in the CAP reform process. Highlights include Go M.A.D. (Go Meet A Deputy), and the CAP SNAP photo campaign; as well as actions in Strasbourg and Luxembourg. Campaign website: Twitter: @goodfoodmarch     […]