Latest from key partners

On Meaningful Diversity: Reflecting on 75 years of Rural Sociology at Wageningen University

75 years have passed since Evert Willem Hofstee was appointed to the position of Professor at Wageningen University, which marks the beginning of rural sociology as a discipline and as a university department. What are the key features and how has it developed from 1946 to present? Prof. Dr. Han Wiskerke reflects on the 75th anniversary of what is now called Rural Sociology Group. […]

Latest from Brussels

Nitrogen – Just Fix it! CAP’s Nature & Rotation Rules Under Threat

Crop rotations and space for nature are again under threat, as pressure mounts on basic conditionality in the new Common Agricultural Policy (CAP). Under the pretext of the impact of the War in Ukraine, it has emerged that the European Commission and 16 member states are prepared to allow such exemptions from the basic environmental standards to be continued for beyond the initial 12 months proposed.  […]

Main stories

Wallonia’s Observation Letter: A plan that fails to address climate and biodiversity crises

Here you’ll find the Observation Letter to Wallonia’s CAP Strategic Plan which ARC2020 has obtained. In no less than 210 points, the Commission exposes a lack of strategy towards healthy, sustainable and economically viable food systems for farmers, as well as incompatibilities and serious shortcomings in the measures proposed to deal with the climate and environmental crises. The Walloon government must review its copy by September 30th  and obtain validation from the Commission so that the plan can enter into force on January 1st 2023.  […]

Latest from key partners

The Good Food Good Farming Pesticide Check-up

As decision-makers consider the future of pesticide regulation in the EU, Good Food Good Farming is running a citizen science project inviting citizens to do a “Pesticide Check-up” by getting their hair tested for pesticides. The project is open to participation until June 30.  […]

Rural Resilience

Extrait de livre | La politique agricole et alimentaire communale – PAAC – de Plessé

En France les politiques communales ne prennent pas en charge l’agriculture. Pourtant pour les territoires ruraux, ce dossier représente de grands défis. Leur commune menacée par la disparition des petites exploitations agricoles, les élus de Plessé créent leur Politique Agricole et Alimentaire Communale (PAAC). Une collectivité qui fait le choix d’agir pour maintenir les corps de ferme vivants. Entretien avec la mairie de Plessé, extrait du livre « Rural Europe takes action – no more business as usual », édité par ARC2020 et Forum synergies. […]

Latest from key partners

First look – Rural Europe Takes Action e-book

Today we have something special for you.  Another rural Europe is possible – and its happening. Today, we launch Rural Europe Takes Action – no more business as usual. We’ve spent many months working with our friends in Forum Synergies to bring an inspirational yet practical set of examples and proposals, of visions and strategies, together into one handy, approachable text. And it’s now ready for you to read. […]

Latest from the ARC network

Rural Europe Takes Action | Creative Municipalities

“Rural Europe Takes Action – No more business as usual”, the new book by ARC2020 and Forum Synergies, launches on Tuesday 7 June. As we count down to the launch, today we share another extract from the book: the story of a creative municipality that is bringing people into agri-food policymaking. From the story of Plessé and other stories, our book draws action points for policymakers on supporting local and circular economies. Below we summarise those action points, and then dive into a conversation with Aurélie Mézière, Mayor of Plessé. […]

Latest from EU Member States

Rural Europe Takes Action | Much More Than Our Daily Bread

To celebrate the forthcoming launch of the new ARC2020 and Forum Synergies book “Rural Europe Takes Action – No more business as usual” we’re sharing extracts of the policy actions it calls for and the stories that underscore the importance of such action. Today we have the story of the Free Bakers Association (Die Freien Bäcker), an independent professional organisation of artisan bakers and confectioners founded in Hanover, Germany in 2011. […]

Latest from the ARC network

Rural Europe Takes Action | For Resilience and Peace – Political Action Now!

“Rural Europe Takes Action – No more business as usual” is a new book to be launched by ARC2020 and Forum Synergies on June 7. With our heads in the clouds of possibility, and our feet firmly on the ground, we draw from inspiring tales of action, from 25 European countries, a series of recommendations for policymakers. Here is a teaser for the book – its conclusion – a call to take political action now! […]

Latest from Brussels

France, Food Sovereignty and Feed(ing the World)

In a roundup of recent news, Ashley Parsons find that words and personnel can change, but business-as-usual can keep replying on the institutions to bail them out – no strings attached.  Whatever the level of exposure and risk, whatever the talk of transitioning away from dependencies on agri-industrial inputs, money, it seems, will always be found for keeping the show on the road, whatever the crises.   […]

Latest from key partners

Diversifying Europe’s Rural Economy | SHERPA

As rural Europe deals with its challenges and embraces its opportunities, what role for production change and diversification? And what are the key factors involved? SHERPA -Sustainable Hub for Engaging into Rural Policies with Actors – a Horizon 2020 project,  addresses this topic. Key areas highlighted that can lead the process of diversification include entrepeneurship, digitalisation, bioeconomy and the food chain.   […]

Main stories

Ukraine | Two Farmers near the Frontline

Paul Lemaire is a photojournalist who has recently left southern Ukraine. Here we present a photo essay from his time in the countryside around the city of Mykolaiv, near the Black Sea between Odesa and Kherson. At the end of April, Paul spent some time with farmers Vladimir and Ivan, as they’ve tried to carry with their work in rural Ukraine. Here we feature a first look at photos from his time there. […]