

ARC NEWSFLASH JUNE 2012 Dear friends and supporters of ARC2020 June 2012. An important month for the political debate on the reform of the CAP, and a very exciting month for the ARC2020 network as our 2012 campaign gets bigger and bigger! Following the release of our Call for Action for the Good Food March back in May, we have had a huge response, with over 50 organisations across Europe now involved! A full list can be seen on the new official GOOD FOOD MARCH website which was launched on June 19th. The site provides a map with initial routes and events, a live twitter feed, a March Newsticker, logos, banners, and much much more. If you have an event you’d like to organise as part of the March, please let us know at and we will add it to the map. The site also features our new photo campaign known as THE CAP WE WANT! The initiative gives ANYONE the opportunity to express their demands for farming and food policy in the EU. We […]

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–Good Food March Finale: September 19th

100’s of citizens descended on Brussels on September 19th for the final day of the Good Food March. The day started with a gathering of civil society and marchers in Brussel’s Parc du Cinquantenaire. The group then marched through Brussels, accompanied by a Fanfare music band, making stops at the European Commission, the Council of the European Union, and the Committee of Regions. The march ended in front of the European Parliament, where all participants and many more came together to take part in a brunch of good, healthy, local food and listen to testimonials from the Good Food Marchers from all over Europe, as well as significant civil society and political represenatives. The Slow Food and ARC2020 Conference The final event of the day was the Slow Food/ARC2020 Conference in the EU Parliament, under the patronage of Martin Schulz. The conference was divided into 3 sessions: Session 1: Opening and key note speeches (including Agri Commissioner Ciolos) Session 2: Good Food Marchers: Main demands and concerns from their countries Session 3: CAP reform and European […]