Latest from key partners

In Full – Agroecology Europe Barcelona Letter

Here is the full text of Agroecology Europe’s Barcelona Letter on Agroecology. Policy and investments, inclusion and participation, rural-urban connections, pricing, breeding, technology and transition all feature in this call out for a different approach to how we the people do farming, land and food. […]


Event | Soup and Talk 2022 on January 22nd

The Soup & Talk 2022 good food and good farming slam is happening via Zoom on Saturday, January 22nd from 17:00 to 20:00 CET.  The much-loved Soup and Talk event traditionally takes place at the Heinrich-Böll-Foundation, Berlin, with inspiring agri-food initiatives and hot soup welcoming hundreds of freezing demonstrators in out of the cold after Europe’s biggest protest for a better food system. […]

Latest from EU Member States

CAP, Fairness and the Merits of a Unique Beneficiary Code – Matteo Metta on Ireland’s Draft Plan

How has Ireland used the flexibility of the CAP legal framework post-2022 to design a fairer CAP Strategic Plan? A new policy analysis, researched and written by Matteo Metta for the Left group in the European Parliament (GUE), assesses fairness in Ireland’s CAP submission in a number of ways, while making a proposal for a way forward to assess CAP spending with more coherence – a unique beneficiary code for all CAP recipients. […]

Latest from Brussels

Undeniable Success of the ECI “Save bees and farmers”

The success of the European Citizens’ Initiative “Save bees and farmers” in 2021 was a historic result in the journey to reduce synthetic pesticides, restore biodiversity on farmland and support farmers to transition to agroecology. If the initiative is accepted by the Commission, the Commission will have to analyse and respond to the citizens’ requests. This article originally appeared in Justice Pesticides’ December newsletter.  […]

Latest from Brussels

ARC Launches New Report on CAP as Member States Submit Strategic Plans

Today we launch a report on the CAP Strategic Plans process, as it has unfolded throughout 2021. The full document includes an overview, an analysis of the initial Commission recommendations, analyses of aspects of CAP in Germany (Green Architecture), Bulgaria (High Nature Value) Poland, Italy, precision farming, crop rotations, capping, and finally CAP and EU relations to third countries.   […]

Latest from EU Member States

We’re Hiring! Call for Paris Correspondent for 2022

The European think tank ARC2020 seeks a freelance Paris Correspondent to cover agricultural, rural and regional policies and discussions in France, at government, regional and CSO level, especially during the French EU presidency. The correspondent will deliver content on socio-ecological transition in agri-food and rural domains, via tools such as  news and feature articles, audio visual elements, events and reports. The correspondent will be based in France but will work as part of an international team based around Europe. […]

Latest from Brussels

We’re Hiring! Call for CAP Policy Analyst and Animator for 2022

ARC2020 – The Agricultural and Rural Convention has worked on the European Union’s Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) since 2010. Run by a small team and guided by an international group of board members, ARC carries out research, publishes regular content and organises debates and events on key CAP-related issues. ARC is now looking for a part-time position to support the CAP Strategic Plan project in two related areas: analysing and developing content on the CAP Strategic Plans; organising NGO and institutional networking around the national strategic plans implementing the next CAP post 2022. […]

Latest from EU Member States

Position Paper on Soil Carbon Sequestration and its Possible Remuneration through CO2 Certificates

More than 30 organisations and individuals active in the fields of nature conservation, environmental protection, agriculture and science have collectively spoken out against the use of CO2 emissions certificates as a tool for preserving and building humus in soil. In a position paper on soil carbon sequestration, the broad alliance rejects the compensation of greenhouse gas emissions through CO2 emissions certificates. […]

The Week's Top Tweets

Tweets of the Week – 49/2021

Our weekly Twitter round up of great content from our kindred network: a Friday treat for your weekend reading pleasure. Enjoy what we’ve found for you on twitter. By loading the tweet, you agree to Twitter’s privacy policy.Learn more Load tweet Always unblock Twitter Tweets By loading the tweet, you agree to Twitter’s privacy policy.Learn more Load tweet Always unblock Twitter Tweets By loading the tweet, you agree to Twitter’s privacy policy.Learn more Load tweet Always unblock Twitter Tweets By loading the tweet, you agree to Twitter’s privacy policy.Learn more Load tweet Always unblock Twitter Tweets By loading the tweet, you agree to Twitter’s privacy policy.Learn more Load tweet Always unblock Twitter Tweets By loading the tweet, you agree to Twitter’s privacy policy.Learn more Load tweet Always unblock Twitter Tweets By loading the tweet, you agree to Twitter’s privacy policy.Learn more Load tweet Always unblock Twitter Tweets By loading the tweet, you agree to Twitter’s privacy policy.Learn more Load tweet Always unblock Twitter Tweets By loading the tweet, you agree to Twitter’s privacy policy.Learn more […]