Latest from Brussels

Goodbye Green and Fair, Hello Fortress Europe – Eco Ambitions dropped from EU leaders’ draft 5-year plan

It’s back to the future as the EU’s green ambitions face the chopping block, with priorities shifting to security and competition. That’s according to the European Council’s vision for the next 5 years, as revealed in a leaked internal draft of EU leaders’ ‘strategic agenda’. Oliver Moore and Natasha Foote have the details, including the leaked document itself.  […]

Latest from Brussels

Don’t Dismantle CAP’s Green Rules say 330 European Organisations

“The Commission is about to dismantle conditionality requirements that are based on unequivocal scientific evidence, and which it has explicitly acknowledged as being essential tools to address current climate, environmental, and biodiversity issues.” That’s according to a large number of organisations who have the EU Commission to urge it to reconsider the loosening of the CAP’s green architecture. […]

Latest from Brussels

Building Momentum for Agroecological Farming – EU Food Policy Coalition Expresses Solidarity with Farmers

Here we republish the text of the EU Food Policy Coalition letter, signed by a number of organisations, expressing solidarity with farmers in Europe. The context  was the protest gathering that took place on 1st February, and the farmer protests more generally.  A PDF of the letter and signatories can be found on the Agroecology Europe website. […]

Latest from Brussels

European Farmers are Angry: Addressing Root Causes Would Overcome Polarisation

On Wednesday February 1, Tomaso Ferrando stood side-by-side with the farmers who had taken over Place Luxembourg and the streets adjacent to the European Parliament in Brussels. On my way, long lines of tractors with Belgian, French and Dutch plates could be seen almost a kilometre away from the square. As he drew closer to the scene, the sound of their horns and the smell of burned tires saturated my ears and nose. Here he outlines his thoughts on the farmers’ protests and what they mean. […]