Latest from Brussels

Important Access to Land Consultation Closing Soon

Progress is being made towards land access – and against land concentration – in the EU, with a consultation by the Finance Directorate General.You can read the DG FISMA consultation document and submit your own feedback. Closing date for submissions is very soon – the 7th July. […]

Latest from Brussels

New EU Organic Regulation Agreed

A preliminary agreement has been reached after 20 months of trilogue negotiations between EU Commission, Council of Ministers and European Parliament for a new organic regulation. The main outstanding issues, which delayed agreement for so long have either been settled or deferred. Here’s what this means. […]

Latest from Brussels

Crucial EFA Pesticide Vote in Parliament Wednesday

A vote in the European Parliament this coming Wednesday 14th June will be crucial in deciding whether pesticides will be banned from Ecological Focus Areas (EFAs). It is a simple majority vote by MEPs, and it is likely to be tight. Here we outline what you can do, make the case for keeping pesticides out of EFAs, and myth bust some common misconceptions on pesticides and EFAs. […]

Latest from Brussels

European Rural Sustainability Gathering 2017

The European Rural Sustainability Gathering 2017 – social economy, cooperatives and grassroots initiatives in rural Greece – begins tomorrow. We’ll keep you updated during the event on social media – facebook and twitter – and with detailed, dedicated articles after the event. Here’s all you need to know for now. […]

Latest from Brussels

Three CAP Consultation Submissions – health, farming & a platform

A number of organisations made submissions to the CAP consultation, which closed last week. Here we outline three differing ones  – one from public health, one from farming  and one, which we devote more space to, from a platform bringing a number of organisations together in Germany. 1 Public Health Organisation (EPHA) The EPHA European Public Health Association point out that agriculture and health policies are not aligned, despite Article 168 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU) mandates that “a high level of human health protection shall be ensured in the definition and implementation of all Union policies and activities.” Like many others, the organisation argues against land based payments and for more policy coherence. Specifically, they point to three key changes: Removing health-harmful subsidies Moving from hectare payments to performance incentives Fostering sustainable healthy diets The EPHA’s submission intro can be found HERE the full response can be found HERE and the annex HERE. 1 Farmer Organisation (EMB) The European Milk Board prioritised coordinated approach to price and market stability, as well as […]

Latest from Brussels

CAP Greening | EFAs in Focus

Using a recent document by the Commission on Ecological Focus Areas – EFAs – this long read traces the story of The Common Agriculture Policy’s EFAs. EFAs are up for discussion and consideration once again, as current Commissioner Phil Hogan seems intent on banning pesticides from these areas. They may, after all, emerge as a way to protect biodiversity and the ecosystem and agri services nature provides. In four parts. […]

Latest from Brussels

EESC Glyphosate Debate as it Unfolded

The momentum behind the European Citizens’ initiative (ECI) to Ban Glyphosate (#BanGlyphosate) brought the campaign all the way to the corridors of the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) in the EU quarter of Brussels Wednesday. Oliver Moore reports. […]

Latest from Brussels

EESC Meeting on #BanGlyphosate – Livestream

A European Citizens’ Initiative (ECI) has recently been launched to call on European Commission to propose a ban on glyphosate-based herbicides, “exposure to which has been linked to cancer in humans, and has led to ecosystems degradation” according to the ECI organisers. You can follow the debate live tomorrow, which includes Oliver Moore of ARC2020, at 11.30 CEST – Brussels time). […]

Latest from Brussels

Civil Society Unites To Demand CAP Transformation

Over 130 European CSOs and NGOs, including ARC2020, have today come together to demand better food and farming policies for Europe. The joint action, in the form of a Common Statement, coincides with a CAP consultation and the Agricultural and Fisheries Council meeting which starts at 10AM Monday 06/03/2017. […]

Latest from Brussels

After the #AfterCAP Debate | Where Now ?

Wrapping up this third curated debate, we in ARC2020 begin to draw elements of a road map for how the Common Agricultural Policy could evolve. The timing is perfect – the European Commission has recently launched a consultation on modernisation and simplification of the CAP. Let’s use this #AfterCAP debate as a springboard to delve deeper into Europe’s agri-food and rural policies. […]