Latest from Brussels

CAP Communication Complete by Dec 2017?

The European Commission intends to adopt – before the end of 2017 – a Communication on the future of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) post-2020. Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker made this announcment to 400 delegates at the Agriculture Outlook event in Brussels on Tuesday. […]

Latest from Brussels

CETA signed – what’s next?

The Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement between the EU and Canada has been signed. A day in the sun for supporters of the trade agreement, who claim it will benefit both regions, opponents however point to a number of ratification hurdles and significant concerns which may, they claim, still scupper the deal. […]

Latest from Brussels

BREAKING: Commission Fails to Rush CETA Through

Having announced its intention to try to approve The Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement – CETA – with Canada today, 5th July, the Commission has back tracked. Approval will now be sought from Member States’ national parliaments, though there are still caveats and concerns for campaigners. […]

Latest from Brussels

Commission to Railroad CETA

In what has been an absolutely tumultuous week for the EU and its institutions, Jean Claude Junker has announced that the European Commission intends to approve the EU-Canada trade deal CETA without national parliament approval. […]