Latest from EU Member States

Agroecology Europe Forum September 26-28th

What should be the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) in the future for promoting agroecology? Which local practices and policies exist in Europe that support access to land for young and first generation farmers? Which traditional and new knowledge is available on soil restoration and biodiversity enhancements? Find out at the 2nd Agroecology Europe Forum in Greece 26-28th September. […]

Latest from EU Member States

Part 2: Where now for Por Otra PAC?

Yesterday, Marta Zygadlo introduced us to Spanish coalition Por Otra PAC. Today we take a look at the coalitions’ priorities and how it plans to push food sovereignty and agroecological transition in Spain. What would an EU agrifood system based on the principles of solidarity, equity and democracy look like? […]

Latest from key partners

Agriculture Atlas | The Pillage of Pillar 2

A fantastic new resource has been published – an Agriculture Atlas. This is a really useful introductory to agri-food and rural policy in the EU, and mostly revolves around how CAP is implemented, including in a number of member states. ARC2020 has an article on Pillar 2, written by Helene Schulze and Oliver Moore. Published by Heinrich Boll Stiftung, Birdlife International (Europe and Central Asia) and Friends of the Earth Europe. […]

Latest from key partners

Is Carbon Neutrality Possible with Agroecology?

How do land sparing and land sharing scenarios play out? Is it possible to reach carbon neutrality in agri-food, using an agroecological approach, one that also takes other pertinent societal issues like soil health, human health and biodiversity into account? And what assumptions are built into land sparing scenarios? […]

Latest from key partners

United States | The Real Future of Agriculture

The US ambassador to the UK has called American farming “the future of agriculture” to encourage the opening of European markets to US products. But what does this food system actually look like? What are its implications on public health, the environment and rural communities? Our partners at IATP report from the states.  […]