Latest from Brussels

Biofuels vote includes Indirect Land Use Change

The European Parliament (EP) voted Wednesday to include what is called Indirect Land Use Change (ILUC) considerations in its biofuels targets. What effect will this have on the EU’s renewable energy, climate change and also on land use? This European Parliament vote means that the real climate impact, due to displacement of food production, will be taken into account in the EU’s biofuel targets and policies. A cap of 6% on land-based biofuels, including energy crops, has been adopted. According to Terhi Lehtonen environment advisor Greens/EFA group: “This would be the minimum necessary to take real measures to tackle the climate, food security and other social impacts due to displacement of food production that is caused by EU biofuels policy.” Lehtonen adds: “The EP vote also signalled to the markets that future investments should be on biofuels with low-ILUC risk and no food based fuels should be supported after 2020.” How did the vote go? See votewatch here Background Biofuels are liquid fuels made mostly from crops which can be mixed with fossil fuels to […]

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–Wietze Action Camp

29.08.2013 – 01.09.2013 International Action Camp in Wietze: Farms instead of factories! BACKGROUND: Wietze in Lower Saxony is home to Europe’s largest chicken slaughter house. Subsidised with €6.5 million of taxpayers’ money, it aims to kill 430,000 chickens daily. It is a symbol of the kind of industrial farming that is destroying fair, green and local food and farming.This summer, the team at ‘Wir haben es satt’ are organising a large demonstration outside the factory. Taking place on 31 August, this will be their first demonstration to be held in temperatures above 0°C – hoorah! Find out who else is behind the event here. THE PROGRAMME: Either side of the demonstration, an international action camp is being organised to allow people to build pan-European networks, hold workshops and much much more. Once again Wam Kat and his Flaming Kitchen will be serving up good food for everyone!   Thursday 29.08.2013 From 17:00 Arrival and evening panel discussion Friday 30.08.2013 Daytime: DAY OF WORKSHOPS: Full programme PDF Evening: Cooking, eating, dancing and networking with the legendary DJ Spoutnik […]

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–Ferme à Paris

From 31 May to 1 June, a two day event in the centre of Paris – organised by ARC2020, Confédération paysanne and PAC2013 – saw farmers, animals, market stalls and good food take over Place Stalingrad. Urban and rural consumers from across France came to meet farmers and take part in Ferme à Paris. The event provided fantastic surroundings to share our common wish for a fair, green and local CAP. French Agriculture Minister, Stéphane Le Foll and vice-chair of the EU Parliament Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development, José Bové were among those attending.  Find more information on the official website for the event: Envie de paysans Find photos from the event here

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3 Speaker Tours

ARC2020 Speakers’ Tour aim to raise awareness of particular issues related to the CAP reform. ARC2020 has now organised three tours, bringing speakers from around the globe to Europe for a series of talks, debates and discussions in cities across the EU. The International Impact of the CAP (June 2012) In June 2012 three dairy farmers, Hellen Yego from Kenya, Joe Borgerding of Minesota, USA, and Sieta van Keimpema, of the Netherlands presented the complenting perspectives of “3 farmers from 3 continents” at discussion events in Prague, Brussels, Berlin, Bremen, Paderborn and the Northern German countryside. The tour was organised in collaboration with Misereor and Meine Landwirtschaft.  Video link Article from Generation 112 Fatal Soya – The Mothers of Ituzaingó (September 2012) In September 2012 two campaigners from Argentina travelled to Europe to raise awareness of their ongoing fight against the aircraft spraying of Monsanto’s Roundup (Glyphosate) on Argentina’s soybean fields. Goldmann Prize winner, Sofia Gatica along with her colleague Maria Godoy visited Brussels, Berlin, Mainz, Kassel, Krakow and Polish countryside, Bucharest, Malaga, Cordoba (Spain), […]