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ARC2020’s reaction to the EU Commission’s legislative proposals for the future CAP

ARC2020 calls for a paradigm shift in agriculture and a rural renaissance. This vision is comprehensively outlined in our “Communication from Civil Society to the European Union Institutions” published in November 2010. The Communication was the result of an extensive and inclusive consultation of all our members at that time, and remains the definitive position paper. This most recent paper draws on the ARC Communication to provide a direct response to the legislative proposals for the CAP issued by the EU Commission in October 2011. The paper does not speak on behalf of the ARC members, it simply provides a stand-point that organisations and citizens can use for their own work and campaigns. While the legislative proposals offer some improvements to the status quo, ARC sees a need for a more radical overhaul of the current policy to ensure a truly sustainable future for citizens in Europe and worldwide. This is outlined below, in three parts: A. Direct Payments and Cross Compliance (Pillar 1 – EAGF) B. Food Security, Fair Trade and Aid, Food Supply […]

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–ARC in 2012

In 2012, ARC2020 and its member organisations are embarking on a number of exciting actions across Europe: The Good Food March to Brussels – August/September 2012 Photo campaign for the Good Food March  Good Food Conference – 19th September 2012 Speakers Tours – Summer 2012 Agro-ecological innovation project