Main stories

Ukraine Joining the EU – An Elephant in the Room

If Ukraine joins the European Union, and the current Common Agricultural Policy system of per hectare payments remains untransformed, oligarch-run conglomerates could become eligible for tens of millions of euros in taxpayer money. But this is not the only possible agricultural reality in an enlarged EU. There are farmers, researchers, civic initiatives and officials – like the delegates of Ukraine’s Vinnytsia region who visited Low Saxony in March 2023 – exploring ways to rebuild and reorient the country’s farming and food system in times of war. […]

Main stories

ECJ Rejects Fourfold Seed Cultivation Fee

The European Court of Justice last week ruled that plant breeders could not claim lump-sum damages from farmers four times the fee due for licensed production in the case of repeated infringements of an EU regulation on community plant variety rights, without proving concrete damages of that same amount. What follows is a translation of a statement released on March 16 by IG Nachbau, a group working to restore the unrestricted right to farm-saved seed.  […]

Latest from Brussels

CAP, the Commission and Livestock Supports – Money Matters

There is a perception that, when it comes to the farming end of the agri-food system, CAP is primarily about supporting land owners and family farms. Is this the case? And even if so, does the Commission sometimes use the basic underpinnings of CAP to gloss over what are in fact significant, embedded supports for the most intensive end of the farming systems, including livestock? What does this mean for other producers? We attended a webinar on livestock recently, and these questions came to the fore.  […]

Latest from Brussels

A primer – New Genomic Techniques and Sustainability

For the past years there has been a huge debate on the introduction of New Genomic Techniques (NGTs) also known as new GMOs in the agricultural sector. The terms “sustainability” and “sustainable agriculture” have been focal points which arguments on both sides are drawn from, albeit with different premises and argumentation. As the next step in New Genomic Techniques legislation is being shaped in the EU, proponents for the use of NGTs and opponents continue to emphasise their views. Here’s an introduction to the issue in the broadest of terms – a primer –  from new contributor to ARC Thea Lyngseth. […]

Latest from EU Member States

Feeding Ourselves 2023 – Another Rural is Possible!

Saturday 25th and Sunday 26th March 2023, Cloughjordan, Ireland, where ARC2020 and friends come together to work on making another rural Ireland possible! This gathering is designed to facilitate community learning and movement building. It will be an opportunity to celebrate and connect to farming, food, our ecology and community, to learn more about practicing food sovereignty, seed sovereignty, agroecology, best policy and practice, the solidarity economy, rural inclusivity and diversity, and community-supported local food systems.  […]

Latest from Brussels

Excerpt | Arche Noah report on EU Seed Marketing Reform

In preparation of the Commission’s expected proposal for a new seed marketing legislation on June 7th, here we republish with permission an excerpt from the recent Arche Noah report called EU reform of seeds marketing rules: Which seeds for a just transition to agroecological and sustainable food systems? Th e full report delves into the details on the legislative process; here we introduce the general content with an excerpt on diverse seeds and on the EU seed market as it is.  […]

Latest from Brussels

Seed Marketing Reform – Commission hints at Faustian Hybrid

In preparation of the Commission’s expected proposal for a new seed marketing legislation on June 7th, MEP Sarah Wiener and MEP Martin Häusling called a conference to discuss what is a just transition to agroecology. The conference, moderated by ARC2020 President Hannes Lorenzen, brought together farmers, MEPs, NGO members and Commission representatives. New information about the next form of seed legislation, some secondary space for agroecology, and key GMO concerns emerged. […]

Latest from the ARC network

Cross-Pollinating Resilience From Portugal: Nos Campagnes en Resilience in Plessé

“Some of the experiences that were shared during this meeting are so interesting and innovative that they deserve to be replicated in Portugal.” Ana Fonseca, from the agro-ecological community Montado do Freixo do Meio in Portugal joined the cohort and shares her impressions on the philosophy and food production of the Rural Resilience event. […]

Main stories

Brexit Bites – Farming in Britain after CAP

On 26 January, the future of post-Brexit agricultural policy in England became clearer with the government’s announcement of six new standards under its Sustainable Farming Incentive. While English farmers may cautiously welcome this long-awaited update, serious challenges remain for the sector in England, and across the United Kingdom. Marianne Landzettel reports.  […]