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European Coordination Let’s Liberate Diversity 12th Forum

Trinity College Dublin

What’s happening?  A forum for people working with seeds, agrobiodiversity and food systems, in Dublin, Ireland, 26-28th October. After 15 years of cooperation among partners from various countries, the European Coordination Let’s Liberate Diversity! (ECLLD!) has recognised the importance of creating a platform to facilitate the exchange of experiences, perspectives, and insights among its members. This platform encourages local actions to promote diversity within our food systems. To achieve this, ECLLD! connects the experiences and efforts of different individuals and groups, including farmers, gardeners, researchers, and small seed companies. The annual European meetings of the Let's Liberate Diversity! Forum (LLD) are one way to do this.  Register for the forum Register for the field trips and workshops DUBLIN LLD Programme Organised by the European Coordination Let’s Liberate Diversity and hosted in different European countries on a rotating basis, these gatherings represent a vibrant convergence of knowledge and expertise. These three-day forums offer a unique opportunity for participants to come together, share ideas, and collectively explore the vital theme of cultivated diversity and dynamic seed management. [...]