Germany | Communications for Sustainable Food Systems – Bringing everyone along

Entrance to the strategy workshop at Manesse Hoop in Ockershausen – “How do we bring everyone along?” Photo: Ann-Marie Weber

In Marburg, Germany kollektiv von MORGEN (the collective of TOMORROW) is working with food education activists and other food system stakeholders to develop regional communication strategies around sustainable food. Building on ideas formulated at the European Action-Gathering for Sustainable Food Systems last November, participants of a recent workshop continued to shape plans for the region.  

Event report by the kollektiv von MORGEN team (Almut Busch, Ann-Marie Weber & Merle Drusenbaum)

On June 6, 2024, we met with a wide range of regional food system stakeholders and food education activists at Manesse Hoop in Ockershausen. Together we wanted to develop strategies for communication and dissemination of sustainable diets.

This workshop took place at the interface of two different projects of kollektiv von MORGEN. With a focus on food education, the BNE (Education for Sustainable Development) Coordination Office invited regional food education stakeholders to a networking event (many thanks to the City of Marburg). In the scope of the Rural Europe Takes Action – Germany project, which looks at Marburg’s local food system, this event was also part of the follow-up process.

In June 2024 a range of Marburg’s regional food system stakeholders and food education activists met at Manesse Hoop in Ockershausen  to develop strategies for communication and dissemination of sustainable diets. Photo: Ann-Marie Weber

A working group on food education already collected many great ideas for the regional communication of sustainable food systems at the European Gathering for Sustainable Food Systems in Marburg last November. Now it was time to shape them regionally and take a closer look at the different target groups.

After the joint target group analysis (“Which target group are we actually reaching and where?”), we looked at the various participants in the field of food communication – and the factors that have an influence (“strong or weak” and “positive or negative”) on strategy success.

The two small groups that formed in the second part of the workshop then had the beautiful outdoor area behind the seminar barn at their disposal to pursue their work on the topics of “EatingCultureChange” and “Food Policies”.

The beautiful outdoor area at the seminar barn. Photo: Ann-Marie Weber

In both creative circles, we identified and prioritised potential regional projects.

The wonderful atmosphere and the wide range of participants contributed greatly to the success of the event. The next networking event, with a stronger focus on exchange, is already being planned for autumn.

The RETA Germany project is supported by the Robert Bosch Stiftung until February 2025. During this period, we will hold local networking events on various aspects of regional food transition supporting existing and emerging cooperation. More information at:

The Marburg Action Plan for Future-Proof Food Systems in Europe, which was developed as part of the European Gathering for Sustainable Food Systems, is available here.

The Hessen BNE network will also continue to pursue its focus on food education.

ARC2020 partners with kollektiv von MORGEN and the Arbeitsgemeinschaft bäuerliche Landwirtschaft Hessen in the project “Rural Europe Takes Action – Germany”, supported by the Robert Bosch Stiftung.

More on Rural Europe Takes Action – Germany

Sustainable Food Systems | Feeding Ourselves Across Europe

Sustainable Food Systems | Public Canteens – A Tool for Regional Resilience

Future-Proof Food Systems in Europe – A Call for Action from Marburg

Marburg Gathering | Building Bridges for Future-Proof Food Systems