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–The Good Food March to Brussels August to September 2012

1. Visit the offical website today! 2. Join our photo campaign – let us take your messages for THE CAP WE WANT to Brussels: 3. Share the CALL for ACTION (below) with your organisations: да шестваме до Брюксел! (BG) Auf geht’s nach Brüssel! (DE) Lad os marchere til Bruxelles! (DK) Let’s march to Brussels! (EN) ¡Vamos a Marchar a Bruselas! (ES) Marchons vers Bruxelles ! (FR) Ας βαδίσουμε ως τις Βρυξέλλες (GR) Marciamo verso Bruxelles! (IT) Maszerujmy do Brukseli! (PL) Să ne îndreptăm spre Bruxelles! (RO) CALL FOR ACTION: Good Food, Good Farming – Let’s march to Brussels! It’s time for fair prices for farmers and shoppers It’s time to take our environment seriously It’s time for food sovereignty It’s time to deliver good food and good farming everywhere   Start: End of August 2012 at different locations throughout the EU End: 19th September 2012 in Brussels The fate of our food and our farmers is being debated in Brussels. For the first time, the reform of European agriculture will be decided by […] […]


Join Green Farming Now – All Day Web Event 17th February

With CAP activities hotting up – in trilogue and at member state level – our friends in Good Food Good Farming have, with Birdlife Europe, organised an agri-food policy event for 17th February. The need for transformation, the science and evidence behind why and how CAP isn’t working, along with some practical suggestions for how to communicate and mobilise around CAP issues form the core elements of this exciting all-day event.  […]