Main stories

Meet the Movement Linking Civil Society with Philanthropy for Food System Transformation

In Berlin, on the eve of the Wir haben es satt! demonstration at which thousands marched for a socio-ecological agricultural future, two of ARC’s founders, Benny Haerlin and Hannes Lorenzen, sat down with Marinke van Riet to discuss her work as “chief weaver” of Healthy Food Healthy Planet. Healthy Food Healthy Planet is an intersectoral coordination effort that connects civil society actors with funders in the transition to healthy, just and sustainable food environments. […]

Main stories

Responsible Digital Agroecology – from Farm to Fork

How can innovations in digital agriculture ensure inclusion and equity for all actors in the value chain? What are the examples of digital innovations in agriculture that have already or will have a real impact on farmers’ work, quality of life and on sustainability? And how can we develop the relevant policies to foster the development of digital technologies and services that would ensure inclusion and equity for all actors in the value chain? Here, Véronique Bellon Maurel addresses these questions, […]

Main stories

Reforming CAP in Wartime – New Report

As the last CAP Strategic Plan (Netherlands) has been approved, we launch a report summarising the key aspects of the CAP Strategic Plans approval process that started a year ago. This report is a collection of the work produced throughout the year, a look back on 2022, and what to look for in 2023. […]

Rural Resilience

Paroles de paysans | Paysans boulangers, un métier à façonner 2

Pour Fabienne et Sébastien, le décloisonnement est une histoire qui remontent à il y a 10 ans, avec une association culturelle : Le Barouf dans la Taupinière. Une perspective ouverte envers les pratiques agricoles de l’autrui leur permet de respecter les différences. Installés sur un territoire dynamique, sur leur ferme Le Fournil de La Barre (44), ces paysans boulangers font les ventes directes et ont 3 AMAP. Fort d’approches coopératives, le couple mise sur l’abattage en commun pour fait face aux enjeux, de plus en plus compliqués, autour du bien-être animal et de la biosécurité. Deuxième partie de leur conversation avec Valérie GESLIN. […]

Latest from Brussels

SURe to find excuses – MEPs, Ministers & their PPPs (Persistent Pesticide Proposals)

After last week’s clear challenge to the SUR pesticide reform, this week the guns are blazing between MEPs and Commissioners pushing the reform. And in a familiar pattern in EU law-making, many Ministers are backing the business-as-usual block. Will we be reporting on the SUR until there are no more puns to be made? It seems that’s just what many politicians, with thier persistent pesticide proposals, want to enSURe. Ashley Parsons and Oliver Moore report. […]