Latest from EU Member States

Rural Realities | Succession – Passing It (All) On To The Next Generation

For farmers, succession is more than just passing on the physical farm, land and buildings. Once you build up a successful farming enterprise, how do you ensure all of that knowledge and experience is not lost? It’s a question that preoccupies all of the farmers who participated in the “Nos Campagnes en Résilience” project. Part two of a series analysing the hot topics around transition, by the “Nos Campagnes en Résilience” team. […]

Rural Resilience

Enjeux de transition | La transmission, ou le trait d’union entre les générations

En allant à la rencontre des acteurs ruraux en France, « Nos campagnes en résilience » a fait le tour des enjeux qui les préoccupent. Bien au-delà de l’aspect matériel et la transmission de leur ferme, les paysans ont à cœur le partage de toutes leurs connaissances, le savoir-faire, l’expertise de terrain qui permet la réussite de leur projet. Car, Paysan est un métier qui se vit. Deuxième partie de l’analyse thématique. Rédaction : l’équipe « Nos campagnes en résilience ». […]

Latest from Brussels

Winds of Change at COP27? Agri-climate news round

The winds of winter are blowing into Europe, over in Egypt is a different wind gathering force? A wind of change? Until the 18th of November, COP27 is taking place in Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt. Last year’s COP in Glasgow has largely been viewed by the international community as underwhelming. So what’s going on in COP and in agri-climate news? Sometimes it’s important to follow the money… […]

Latest from EU Member States

Letter From The Farm | Looking Beyond The Farm Gate

We’re back on Ciasnocha Family Farm in Poland, where bad weather and the pressures of war in neighbouring Ukraine have made for a difficult season of haymaking. Right now many decisions are on hold as they wait for the new year and a new CAP. Meanwhile, Mateusz has had the privilege of fruitful harvests beyond the farm gate. Meeting other regenerative farmers and young entrepreneurs during a trip to the US has energised his advocacy work. […]

Rural Resilience

Un avenir à co-construire – Rencontre européenne ARC2020 en Loire-Atlantique

Début octobre, en Loire-Atlantique, l’équipe d’ARC2020 a organisé une rencontre européenne « Nos campagnes en résilience ». Le temps d’un week-end, nous avons créé ensemble un espace pour les paysans, les acteurs locaux, les organisations régionales et européennes et les décideurs politiques pour partager, réfléchir et préparer des actions pour l’avenir de nos campagnes.

Latest from key partners

Objectives are Not Enough | Pesticide Atlas 2022

Even though the EU’s pesticide legislation is the most sophisticated, it has failed to achieve a reduction in use. The EU’s Farm to Fork Strategy seeks to change that. Many questions remain. This article is an excerpt from the Pesticide Atlas 2022, published on October 18th, 2022 Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung European Union, and others. […]

Main stories

CAP and E-Commerce: Are Quality Schemes Protected?

EU agri-food products protected by quality schemes can face counterfeiting and usurpations in third countries, resulting in significant economic losses for EU producers. The same can happen in the other direction, and with the expansion of e-commerce platforms, these market dynamics have found new avenues to occur. The reform post-2022 of the CAP’s Common Market Organisation has extended the protection of quality schemes’ intellectual property (IP) rights to e-commerce platforms. […]

Latest from EU Member States

Rural Realities | Feet on the Ground in the Battle for Land

Access to land was the topic of a panel discussion at our rural resilience gathering in north-west France last week. To add to the conversation, we present our findings from research on the ground, over the past two years of the “Nos Campagnes en Résilience” project. In the first of a series on hot topics around transition, we look at land, water and soil – all pivotal issues for socio-ecological transition. Analysis by “Nos Campagnes en Résilience” team. […]

Rural Resilience

Paroles de paysans | Paysans boulangers, un métier à façonner 1

Depuis toujours passionné par le pain et moulé par des parents et des grands parents agriculteurs, Sébastien était surtout attiré par la cuisine. Différentes expériences l’ont conduit au constat que la réalité était bien éloignée de ses idéaux et que les produits travaillés en cuisine étaient de piètre qualité. Fabienne, quant à elle a fait des études de comptabilité. Travaillant dans un grand groupe en ville, elle a rejoint sans hésiter le projet de Sébastien. Dans le Fournil de La Barre (44), au rythme des fournées, tous les deux nous racontent leur vision de leur métier. Première partie de leur conversation avec Valérie GESLIN. […]

Latest from the ARC network

Rural Europe Takes Action | A Shared Space for Food Transition

This extract from “Rural Europe Takes Action – No more business as usual” tells the story of the Sustainable Food Consortium, a group of food activists who came together in Redon, France. We hear in particular about the political, bureaucratic and agro-industrial barriers the Consortium faced, and draw some learnings from this.  […]