Main stories

Upland Farmers Face Harsh Realities in Post-Brexit England | Part 1

In July 2023, Marianne Landzettel travelled to Northumberland, England to meet and interview four farm families. The resulting story portrays the difficulties upland farmers face as they navigate compounding crises. The phasing out of EU direct payments and their replacement with a system based on ‘public money for public goods’, combine with high input costs, extreme weather events, and increased market competition to threaten farm futures. […]

Latest from EU Member States

Feeding Ourselves 2023 – Building Bridges for Rural Resilience

ARC2020’s Rural Resilience project explores the possibilities for Europe’s territories to become more resilient from the ground up, so we were keen to visit Ireland in March 2023 to support the Feeding Ourselves gathering in Cloughjordan Ecovillage. Alison Brogan shares the rich learnings for rural infrastructure gleaned from this weekend in the Irish midlands.  […]

Main stories

CAP Strategic Plans: More Money, Less Liability

EU Agriculture is in crisis mode. And so is the CAP. For two years in a row, the CAP crisis reserve has been spent to help farmers deal with the adverse consequences of the invasion of Ukraine and climate change. At the same time, Member States are asking for reduced environmental obligations in 2024. What happened during this week’s AgriFish council CAP wise? We guide you through the updates. […]

Latest from EU Member States

Good Food Good Farming | People Across Europe Demand Better Food Systems!

As the European Commission is expected to publish a proposal for a Sustainable Food Systems Law in the autumn, Good Food Good Farming launched Food for Talk: days of dialogue that highlight the voices of farmers, fishers, activists and citizens. In a participatory video, the movement now calls for #GoodFood4EU through an ambitious law proposal. Report by Good Food Good Farming. […]

Latest from key partners

Op-ed | The Bizarre Concept of “Non-Productive Trees”

Ahead of tomorrow’s vote on the Nature Restoration Law at the Environment Committee in the European Parliament, the European Agroforestry Federation (EURAF) is calling for amendments to the proposal. In this exclusive Op-Ed for ARC, Gerry Lawson flags the proposal’s confusing choice of terminology which, he argues, fails to reflect the complex role of trees on farmland. […]

Latest from Brussels

Nature Restoration Law | No, 10% of land will NOT be abandoned under NRL

Good news! The Nature Restoration Law (NRL) won’t, can’t and couldn’t cause the abandonment of 10% of Europe’s perfectly good farmland. This is important to know in advance of the vote on the 15th in the European Parliament’s Environment Committee. If this committee doesn’t pass the compromise NRL text, its likely over. So if you are contacting MEPs on the ENVI Committee – or if indeed you are one of those 88 MEPs – rest assured. These is no land abandonment in the NRL. Explainer by Oliver Moore. […]

Main stories

CAP Environmental Derogations: What is the Impact on Food Security?

Looking at the CAP, 2022 and 2023 have been marked by multiple authorised derogations on environmental standards. Those derogations, claimed to be necessary to ensure food security in Europe, have been highly criticised by the scientific community. As the data on food production resulting from these derogations emerges, we examine the concrete impact of these decisions on food security in the EU. […]

Latest from EU Member States

France | Cultivating Food Justice – It Takes A Village

Au Maquis is a food justice non-profit based in the small Provençal village of Lauris. Under the shade of a cabana, we sat down with Fanny and Maud who run the farm. The association has a total of eight staff and 1,800 members, including over 100 volunteers, who come together to grow and eat, to build community and to hold space. It takes a village to cultivate food justice. […]

Rural Resilience

Paroles d’acteurs | Cultiver et manger ensemble pour redonner de la dignité humaine

Le défi relevé par l’association « Au maquis » : Cultiver et manger ensemble pour redonner de la dignité humaine. En juin 2022, lors d’un programme de visites dans le Luberon, avec Marie-Paule, notre hôte, nous nous sommes rendus au jardin de l’association, situé à LAURIS. Sous une cabane, nous avons rencontré Fanny et Maud, deux salariées paysannes de l’association. […]

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CAP Strategic Plans

Since the 2019 Communication on the European Green Deal, ARC2020’s CAP Strategic Plans project has provided consistent analysis on the CAP reform post-2022 and the design, negotiation and approval of National CAP Strategic Plans. For the years to come, we want to bring the project to the next phase, in a new context. This is why and how. Why do we need this critical action-research? The long road to the CAP Strategic Plans began in 2018, when three CAP legislative proposals were presented by the Juncker Commission to the EU co-legislators. The road was political, but also very technical. Since then, the CAP reform has witnessed the gradual dilution of the initial environmental and social equity ambitions. The alignment with the Green Deal has yet to come. Meanwhile, the previous Commission’s technical apparatus and power control has been reshuffled and facelifted in the so-called European CAP Network, Long-Term Visions, and Horizon 2020 projects. Outside the CAP, things have changed too. The war in Ukraine has fuelled a stale, polarised debate putting food security at odds […]