Latest from EU Member States

Op-Ed | Europe Eats the World

“Europe feeds the world” is a line often heard in EU policy debates and the media. A line often used to sideline calls to lower the impacts of European agriculture and to place “providing food” as the highest political priority. But is this line really true? In this op-ed lead author, Jabier Ruiz, of the WWF European Policy Office, summarises the main pieces of evidence gathered, which show that, far from feeding the world, Europe consumes more than its fair share. […]

Latest from EU Member States

Denmark | Re-Scaling the Rural

ARC2020’s Louise Kelleher and Matteo Metta were among the speakers at “AlterRurality 6: Re-Scaling the Rural”, a conference held last month in a small Danish coastal village. The interdisciplinary conference aimed to initiate a critical investigation of past, current, and what may become future concepts and interpretations of rural life. Report. […]

Latest from key partners

The Good Food Good Farming Pesticide Check-up

As decision-makers consider the future of pesticide regulation in the EU, Good Food Good Farming is running a citizen science project inviting citizens to do a “Pesticide Check-up” by getting their hair tested for pesticides. The project is open to participation until June 30.  […]

Latest from key partners

Reversing Rule and Exception – Transformative New Integrated Policy for Rural Agri & Food presented in European Parliament 

A book filled with “extraordinary examples of ongoing transformations of our rural world” was launched in the European Parliament this week. Key political stakeholders – including European Parliament President Roberta Metsola, Isabel Estrada Carvalhais, and Dacian Ciolos – agreed on the need to start to build a process to explore and develop ideas contained therein- including a radical new Regulation. So what are these ideas? […]

Rural Resilience

Extrait de livre | La politique agricole et alimentaire communale – PAAC – de Plessé

En France les politiques communales ne prennent pas en charge l’agriculture. Pourtant pour les territoires ruraux, ce dossier représente de grands défis. Leur commune menacée par la disparition des petites exploitations agricoles, les élus de Plessé créent leur Politique Agricole et Alimentaire Communale (PAAC). Une collectivité qui fait le choix d’agir pour maintenir les corps de ferme vivants. Entretien avec la mairie de Plessé, extrait du livre « Rural Europe takes action – no more business as usual », édité par ARC2020 et Forum synergies. […]

Latest from the ARC network

Rural Europe Takes Action | Creative Municipalities

“Rural Europe Takes Action – No more business as usual”, the new book by ARC2020 and Forum Synergies, launches on Tuesday 7 June. As we count down to the launch, today we share another extract from the book: the story of a creative municipality that is bringing people into agri-food policymaking. From the story of Plessé and other stories, our book draws action points for policymakers on supporting local and circular economies. Below we summarise those action points, and then dive into a conversation with Aurélie Mézière, Mayor of Plessé. […]

Latest from the ARC network

Rural Europe Takes Action | For Resilience and Peace – Political Action Now!

“Rural Europe Takes Action – No more business as usual” is a new book to be launched by ARC2020 and Forum Synergies on June 7. With our heads in the clouds of possibility, and our feet firmly on the ground, we draw from inspiring tales of action, from 25 European countries, a series of recommendations for policymakers. Here is a teaser for the book – its conclusion – a call to take political action now! […]

Latest from the ARC network

Rural Europe Takes Action – Book Launch and Draft EU-Regulation

On June 7 ARC2020 and Forum Synergies launch a new book titled “Rural Europe Takes Action – No more business as usual” which reveals the power of European civil society and the collective intelligence and imagination of numerous rural experts, policy makers and practitioners. The book includes an ‘Unwritten Regulation on an Integrated European Rural, Agricultural and Food Policy’ as an alternative to continue or replace the CAP by 2028. Hannes Lorenzen explains why it’s high time for a new integrated policy framework for rural territories and their people. […]

Rural Resilience

Paroles de paysans | La liberté d’assumer ses choix 2

Des lieux de production, mais aussi des lieux de rencontres, de culture. Voici la proposition de Vincent et ses collègues, maraîcheurs à la Ferme de PITOUE, à CAMPBON (44). Malgré une volonté de sortir du salariat, ce GAEC à 2 associés s’est retrouvé finalement avec 3 salariés. Vincent nous partage ses réflexions sur les rapports avec ses salariés, mais aussi avec ses clients, ses Amapiens, et les paysans du coin. Deuxième partie d’une conversation avec Valérie GESLIN. […]

Latest from key partners

Diversifying Europe’s Rural Economy | SHERPA

As rural Europe deals with its challenges and embraces its opportunities, what role for production change and diversification? And what are the key factors involved? SHERPA -Sustainable Hub for Engaging into Rural Policies with Actors – a Horizon 2020 project,  addresses this topic. Key areas highlighted that can lead the process of diversification include entrepeneurship, digitalisation, bioeconomy and the food chain.   […]

Latest from EU Member States

Graduation then Desertion – French Ag Students Opting for a Different Path

Last week, French students at Agro Paris Tech  – France’s most prestigious agro-engineering school – staged a “call to desert” during their graduation speech. To desert? Yes, to desert the environmentally destructive engineering positions the university sets them up for after graduation. But these inspiring words and actions of these young people don’t match up to the government’s actions, nor the school’s response. A recap and analysis by Ashley Parsons. […]

Latest from EU Member States

The Influence of EU Policies in National Rural Digitalisation

Digitalisation is progressing in rural areas around Europe in different ways. There are a number of reasons for variability in style and substance, as María Alonso-Roldán and Mar Delgado-Serrano of the DESIRA project show. The pair have engaged with experts in 15 countries. Here’s what they’ve found.  […]

Latest from EU Member States

Letter From The Farm | Bridging Worlds Old and New

Meet Claire Jeannerat, who runs a sheep and goat farm with her family in the Swiss Alps. The title of shepherdess is is a true and often humbling apprenticeship with mother nature and all the uncertainties. Claire and her husband endeavour to live this vocation in a manner that respects and upholds ancient traditions that are being lost in modern society, bridging a path between the old and new. […]

Rural Resilience

Salon à la ferme | Les éleveurs entre chien et loup

Dans le cadre du salon à la ferme, ARC 2020 s’est rendu dans l’une des 200 fermes participantes. Ce salon initié par la confédération Paysanne en partenariat avec le réseau des FADEAR permet à chaque citoyen d’échanger sur l’agriculture paysanne avec ceux qui la pratiquent. En Savoie, le GAEC de la Fontaine, geré par Marine HUAUX et Loïc PERRIAUX, a proposé un temps de rencontres autour des thématiques spécifiques à l’agriculture de montagne et notamment la présence du loup. […]