
Event | Soup and Talk 2022 on January 22nd

The Soup & Talk 2022 good food and good farming slam is happening via Zoom on Saturday, January 22nd from 17:00 to 20:00 CET.  The much-loved Soup and Talk event traditionally takes place at the Heinrich-Böll-Foundation, Berlin, with inspiring agri-food initiatives and hot soup welcoming hundreds of freezing demonstrators in out of the cold after Europe’s biggest protest for a better food system. […]

Rural Resilience

Nos campagnes en résilience | C’est à nous d’inventer le changement social 1

Marion et Benjamin sont les 2 associés du GAEC La Ferme du Buis Sonnant à Plouguernével (22). L’élevage des porcs et des vaches laitières, la transformation sur place … mais aussi les réflexions autour du changement social. En allant à la rencontre de ces acteurs ruraux qui expérimentent la transition socio-écologique, l’équipe Nos Campagnes en Résilience souhaite valoriser leurs propositions. Valérie Geslin, coordinatrice du projet, reflète sur (encore) une belle rencontre en Bretagne.  […]

Latest from EU Member States

We’re Hiring! Call for Paris Correspondent for 2022

The European think tank ARC2020 seeks a freelance Paris Correspondent to cover agricultural, rural and regional policies and discussions in France, at government, regional and CSO level, especially during the French EU presidency. The correspondent will deliver content on socio-ecological transition in agri-food and rural domains, via tools such as  news and feature articles, audio visual elements, events and reports. The correspondent will be based in France but will work as part of an international team based around Europe. […]

Latest from Brussels

We’re Hiring! Call for CAP Policy Analyst and Animator for 2022

ARC2020 – The Agricultural and Rural Convention has worked on the European Union’s Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) since 2010. Run by a small team and guided by an international group of board members, ARC carries out research, publishes regular content and organises debates and events on key CAP-related issues. ARC is now looking for a part-time position to support the CAP Strategic Plan project in two related areas: analysing and developing content on the CAP Strategic Plans; organising NGO and institutional networking around the national strategic plans implementing the next CAP post 2022. […]

Latest from the ARC network

UK | Supply Chains No Longer Fit For Purpose

Farmers in England and Wales want to move away from centralised supply chains where they say they have little influence over prices, not enough connection to consumers, and are not rewarded for delivering positive climate and nature outcomes. This is according to the findings of Sustain in its report ‘Beyond the Farmgate’ which lays out the results of a new survey of 500 English and Welsh farmers. […]

Latest from EU Member States

Letter From The Farm | Meet The New Peasants

Isabella Lang has been working on her friends’ farm in the Austrian Alps since the spring. After four years in the Brussels bubble, she was keen to get her hands back in the soil. It’s been several months of hard work, long days, amazing food, and a healthy pace of life. In this first letter Isabella introduces us to the farm. Meet the new peasants. […]

Rural Resilience

Evènement | Face aux problématiques urgentes, aller vite mais pas trop vite

Samedi le 18 septembre 2021, l’association ARC2020 est allée à la rencontre du GAEC de La Ferme des 7 chemins, une des initiatives campagnardes engagée dans le projet « Nos campagnes en résilience ». Situé sur la commune de PLESSE en Loire Atlantique, le GAEC a initié une rencontre entre différents partenaires afin d’échanger et de se questionner sur le développement de la ferme. On vous propose à travers cet article de découvrir ce temps fort au sein d’une initiative campagnarde rayonnante. […]

Latest from EU Member States

Ireland’s Our Rural Future – a rural digitisation gold standard? 

Broadband for all, even in the most remote regions; smart, revitalised villages and towns with hundreds of remote working hubs; a rural youth assembly, significant numbers of public and private workers for rural areas; Local Digital Strategies in administrative regions; and all done in a well-planned way to optimize synergies and transition towards carbon neutrality –  it sound like a sustainable rural digitalisation dream. So is it?  […]

Latest from EU Member States

Germany | Surviving Below Sea Level

How does a rural community plan for the future when it is literally living below sea level? In this excerpt from the book “Rural Europe on the Move: A travel guide to transitions”, Hannes Lorenzen shares the story of his home island of Pellworm on Germany’s North Frisian coast, where the community has come together in the face of climate change, rising sea levels, and other threats to its survival. […]

Main stories

Bristol Bites Back | Fruits & Roots of Radical Resilience in South-West England

A new e-book published by ARC2020 documents one community’s inspiring response to the COVID-19 crisis. An antidote to the doom and gloom, “Bristol Bites Back: Fruits & Roots of Radical Resilience in South-West England” is tangible, practical proof that ecosystem-based approaches to food, farming and sustainability do indeed bear fruit for their patient protagonists – in some cases after decades of going against the grain of a productivist mindset. […]