Latest from Brussels

Seed Marketing Reform – Commission hints at Faustian Hybrid

In preparation of the Commission’s expected proposal for a new seed marketing legislation on June 7th, MEP Sarah Wiener and MEP Martin Häusling called a conference to discuss what is a just transition to agroecology. The conference, moderated by ARC2020 President Hannes Lorenzen, brought together farmers, MEPs, NGO members and Commission representatives. New information about the next form of seed legislation, some secondary space for agroecology, and key GMO concerns emerged. […]

Latest from the ARC network

Cross-Pollinating Resilience From Portugal: Nos Campagnes en Resilience in Plessé

“Some of the experiences that were shared during this meeting are so interesting and innovative that they deserve to be replicated in Portugal.” Ana Fonseca, from the agro-ecological community Montado do Freixo do Meio in Portugal joined the cohort and shares her impressions on the philosophy and food production of the Rural Resilience event. […]

Main stories

Reforming CAP in Wartime – New Report

As the last CAP Strategic Plan (Netherlands) has been approved, we launch a report summarising the key aspects of the CAP Strategic Plans approval process that started a year ago. This report is a collection of the work produced throughout the year, a look back on 2022, and what to look for in 2023. […]

Latest from EU Member States

Rural Realities | Succession – Passing It (All) On To The Next Generation

For farmers, succession is more than just passing on the physical farm, land and buildings. Once you build up a successful farming enterprise, how do you ensure all of that knowledge and experience is not lost? It’s a question that preoccupies all of the farmers who participated in the “Nos Campagnes en Résilience” project. Part two of a series analysing the hot topics around transition, by the “Nos Campagnes en Résilience” team. […]