
ARC Newsflash December 2011

Dear friends of the ARC! Welcome to the December issue of the ARC NEWSFLASH! Thank you for your feedback on the new website – keep it coming and don’t forget to follow us on Twitter and Facebook! We also now have a banner with the ARC logo which you can display on your site to let others know about our network – find it here and add it today! Discover who our web correspondents have been talking to in Latest from EU Member States, read our “main stories” and keep up to date with recent developments in the ARC blog – and don’t hesitate to get in touch and add to our lively debate on how best to make our farming and food systems more sustainable and accessible for all. This month ARC gained exciting new signatories. One of them is Slow Food International! Work has also continued with international organisations such as the Institute for Agriculture and Trade (IATP) in the USA, as well as those working on the local level, with local action groups from England and Sweden visiting our secretariat in Brussels. We would like to […]



Dear friends of a sustainable CAP reform and a rural renaissance in EuropeWelcome to the new ARC Newsflash! As decision making and debate on the CAP reform is now shifting to the national level, it is vital that we keep up to date with what ministers and Members of the European Parliament are saying – in Brussels and at home. From now on, our newsletter will be delivered once a month, and contain an overview of developments in Brussels, mini-reports on key meetings, details of forthcoming events, both public and policy-related, and a special feature from the ARC network. Your feedback is welcome to make it as useful as possible for all of you. We are also keen to hear your comments on the new website launched today!!! You can enter them directly in the open forum (a new space where we will initiate discussions around the CAP reform – your suggestions welcome!) or send them directly to the new ARC Communications team. In my new role as website editor, I now have the […]

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Recent updates

–Research community publications

Agricultural Policy Monitoring and Evaluation 2012 OECD Countries – September 2012 Achieving Food Security in the Face of Climate Change The CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS) CAP reform options: A challenge for analysis and synthesis Jambor and Harvey – March 2010 Conflicting demands of land use, soil biodiversity and the sustainable delivery of ecosystem goods and services in Europe Soil Service – April 2012 Direct and Intermediated Marketing of Local Foods in the United States Sarah A. Low and Stephen Vogel, United States Department of Agriculture – November 2011 EU agricultural policy: Responding to the crisis? Stefan Tangermann – 10 November 2011 Future CAP financing for 2014–2020: Implications for the ACP Agritrade – December 2011 Global Food Policy Report 2011 International Food Policy Research Institute – April 2012 Globalising Hunger: Food Security and the EU’s Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) Thomas Fritz, The Transnational Institute – December 2011 Organic farming is superior to conventional agriculture according to 30-year comparative study September 2011 Moving away from business as usual in agriculture Institut […]

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Recent updates

–Civil society publications

ON THE CAP APRODEV – CAP Statement (February 2013) APRODEV – Crop Rotation in the CAP reform: Relevance of WTO constraints, benefits and control (February 2013) APRODEV, Friends of the Earth Europe, IFOAM EU Group and Pesticide Action Group – Crop Rotation: Benefitting farmers, the environment and the economy (July 2012) Arbeitsgruppe Landwirtschaft und Ernährung im Forum Umwelt und Entwicklung: Vorschläge zur Reform der EU-Agrarpolitik müssen die Probleme aus der industriellen Tierhaltung angehen (June 2012) EU agricultural policy reform proposals must address the problems arising from industrial livestock production EU BirdLife partners – A Strong Rural Development Policy: The key to unlocking the CAP’s green potential (June 2012) BirdLife / EEB / EFNCP / IFOAM / WWF – Proposal for a new EU Common Agricultural Policy BirdLife / EEB / EFNCP / IFOAM / WWF – Common briefing following discussions in the Council on Greening of the CAP  (June 2012) CONCORD – The Future of the European Common Agricultural Policy and Development The Council for British Archaeology – Crunch Time for CAP ELARD – Position on […]

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ARC Network members across Europe

If you haven’t already, click HERE to join today!   Albania  Mountain Area Development Agency (MADA)   Austria Arche Noah     Austrian Green Farmers Association   IG-Milch     Naturschutzbund Österreich     ÖAR Regionalberatung   Weideverein Ramsargebiet Lafnitztal       Verein für Naturnahe Landwirtschaft AUNIWAUNDN Belgium   GAIA – Belgian Animal Rights Organisation     Milcherzeuger Interessengemeinschaft (MIG)       Wervel (Werkgroep voor een rechtvaardige en verantwoorde landbouw)         Bulgaria   Environmental Organization Rhodope     FORA Community Development Foundation     Za Zemiata       Cyprus   Friends of the Earth Cyprus     Czech Republic Hnutí Duha – Friends of the Earth Czech Republic     Centrum pro komunitni praci stredni Morava     Narodni observator venkova     National LAG Network of the Czech Republic       Estonia Estonian Council of Environmental NGO’s’ (EKO)     Estonian Village Movement Kodukant     France   Association des producteurs de lait indépendants (APLI)   Association Geyser     Bergerie de Villarceaux     CELAVAR   […]

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Latest from the ARC network

ARC in Warsaw

Organic farmers, farmers’ trade unions, environmental and nature conservation NGOs, experts in public health, civil society foundations and rural development agencies meet in Warsaw to discuss the future of the CAP […]

Newsticker Log

  TTIP talks: despite the PR, still under a cloak of secrecy CEO 05.05.2015 It’s not just glyphosate and neonicotinoids! Why we need a pesticide-free future Ecologist 30.04.2015 Organic milk and prenatal iodine Guardian 30.04.2015 US to open TTIP reading rooms across EU Euractiv 29.04.2015 What will EU parliamentarians vote on TTIP? Euractiv 17.04.2015 Government’s approach further undermines the proposed Expert Advisory Council An Taisce 01.04.2015 Farming will not be held back by green targets says Coveney Independent 01.04.2015 Pesticide residue in fruits and vegetables associated with low sperm count Washington Post 30.03.2015 Agroecology reclaims territories for local peoples and food sovereignty More and Better 18.03.2015 Commitments to rural development spending 76% below forecast in 2014 23.01.2015 ‘We are fed up!’: Thousands march against TTIP & GMOs in Berlin RT 17.01.2015 Großdemonstration für eine tiergerechte und klimaschonende Landwirtschaft in Berlin ARD 17.01.2015 Agrarwende: 50000 Demonstranten gegen Massentierhaltung und Gentechnik Spiegel Online 17.01.2015 Tausende demonstrieren für artgerechte Tierhaltung und fairen Handel Zeit Online 17.01.2015 Drawing upon citizens’ voices: Deep democracy in action IATP 14.01.2015 Europeans’ shopping habits reveal […]