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–Updated Toolkit on CAP implementation launched

(Brussels, 12/12/2013) BEGINS We at are delighted to bring you the updated version of our CAP implementation tookit. This document will be of use to policy makers and campaigners alike. It brings information on the CAP reform  process right up to date at European and member state (MS) level. Not only does our toolkit list all the basic background details and all the up-to-date processes at EU level, individual MS and their  interpretation of CAP reform are also highlighted. This CAP reform process has given significantly more power to the MS to implement the CAP in  their own way – our updated toolkit shows you what your MS is doing. Dedicated sections on France, Germany, Poland, Spain, the UK, Ireland, Greece have been written for this document. Individual MS attitudes and actions on internal convergence, top ups, transfers between pillars and coupled payments have also been added. CAP Implementation at national and regional level must be approved by the Commission before the end of 2013 for Rural Development Programmes (Pillar 2) and by August […]


ARC NEWSFLASH October/November 2013

  Dear friends and supporters,Shirin and Oliver here. We’re nicely settled in now into our roles, and really enjoying the challenge of keeping everyone up to date on European farming and food policy issues. The Arc2020 website is, hopefully, a little easier to use and more useful for you. We’ve added big buttons which feature our CAP and Rural Development Toolkit, agricultural campaigns across Europe, and our 2000m² project, as well as a live twitter feed. Why not pop over and have a fresh look?  We look forward to hearing what you think. There’s a lot going on in agri-food politics and policy right now. Member States have been having consultations on the CAP reform process, which means they are closer to making important decisions that will effect farming, food and the environment across Europe. We’ll keep updating our toolkit and site as more information comes to hand: seehere for the latest from Spain, here for the latest from Germany, and see also what’s happening in Scotland and Ireland. The whole area of land grab to the east of the Continent has been a very hot topic on ARC2020 in recent […]

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Disappointing Parliament CAP reform vote means the focus now turns to Member States.

(Brussels, 02/10/13) BEGINS On Monday the European Parliament’s Agriculture Committee (COMAGRI) voted on the remaining issues on CAP reform. This follows the substantive agreement in June in Ireland and the final trilogue between Parliament, Council and Commission last week, where the Council strong-armed the Parliament into ceding its position, aided by the Commission. The committee vote still needs to be confirmed by Parliament as a whole in a plenary vote at the November session. “The co-decision procedure on CAP reform has been a long, epic process, full of delays and brinkmanship. In the end however, it also represents, unfortunately, a missed opportunity to really, radically reform the CAP. The momentum now turns to member states” Samuel Feret, ARC2020’s coordinator said. Substantial reform has been bypassed in favour of business as usual, questioning the whole notion of co-decision making and trilogue. The Council, together with anti-reform COMAGRI members opposed capping payments to even the wealthiest, while watering down greening with exemptions and loopholes and maintaining polluting and export dumping practices. Specifically The COMAGRI vote dealt with outstanding issues on DP (Direct Payments), CMO (Common Organisation of Markets), RD (Rural Development) and HZR (Horizontal Regulations). […]