
ARC Newsflash May 2012

Dear friends and supporters of ARC As summer fast approaches, things are really hotting up in the ARC2020 Office. On May 30th we released the GOOD FOOD MARCH – CALL FOR ACTION in 10 languages!! The Good Food March will kick off this August, seeing people from across Europe travel to Brussels – by bike, tractor or any other means – to demand a real reform of the CAP. Participants will arrive in Brussels in time for a conference being organised by Slow Food and ARC2020 on Septemeber 19th.  If that wasn’t enough, our first Speakers Tour is also about to set off. From June 19th to June 30th, 3 farmes from 3 continents – USA, Africa and Europe – will travel to different locations to discuss the global implications of the CAP. A key part of the tour will be a public debate on June 20th in Brussels – details to follow. Elsewhere in the network, May saw the launch of the new website. Coinciding with the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development (Rio+20), […]

So Who Are These ARC People?

ARC2020 is at once an old and a young organisation. Only a decade ago, an array of organisations came together when Commissioner Dacian Ciolos was at the helm in Agriculture. This seemed like a good opportunity to develop a shared vision for farming, food and rural considerations. These organisations came from many spheres – agriculture, consumers, rural development, health, animal welfare and more. The Early Days 2010-2015 Our activities in this period consisted of working with others to try to make the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) more fit for purpose – more adapted to the real needs of people and planet. To this end, we developed a Communication with 150+ organisations from all over Europe. So from 2010 to 2015, we were a European platform for 150+ NGOs, CSOs and farmer organisations advocating a radical reform of the CAP. You can read our 2010 Communication of European Civil Society to the European Institutions for sustainable farming and rural renaissance here. Our good food march (and cycle!) to Brussels of 2012, which began in rural Europe and […]

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ARC Network members across Europe

If you haven’t already, click HERE to join today!   Albania  Mountain Area Development Agency (MADA)   Austria Arche Noah     Austrian Green Farmers Association   IG-Milch     Naturschutzbund Österreich     ÖAR Regionalberatung   Weideverein Ramsargebiet Lafnitztal       Verein für Naturnahe Landwirtschaft AUNIWAUNDN Belgium   GAIA – Belgian Animal Rights Organisation     Milcherzeuger Interessengemeinschaft (MIG)       Wervel (Werkgroep voor een rechtvaardige en verantwoorde landbouw)         Bulgaria   Environmental Organization Rhodope     FORA Community Development Foundation     Za Zemiata       Cyprus   Friends of the Earth Cyprus     Czech Republic Hnutí Duha – Friends of the Earth Czech Republic     Centrum pro komunitni praci stredni Morava     Narodni observator venkova     National LAG Network of the Czech Republic       Estonia Estonian Council of Environmental NGO’s’ (EKO)     Estonian Village Movement Kodukant     France   Association des producteurs de lait indépendants (APLI)   Association Geyser     Bergerie de Villarceaux     CELAVAR   […]