Latest from the ARC network

Good Food Good Farming Campaign is cooking up a storm

Across the continent, farmers, environmentalists, pastoralists, fishers are grabbing their pots and spoons to call for a more socially and environmentally just European food system. We want to see policy which supports small farmers and rural livelihoods, protects our soil, water, ecosystems and biodiversity and provides healthy food for all. On the 27th and 28th October, let’s make sure we are heard! […]

Latest from EU Member States

Post-Brexit Food, Farming and Fair Trade | Food safety and labelling

What Brexit will mean for the future of UK and EU food and farming has been the topic of much debate and much uncertainty in the past few months. As the Brexit withdrawal plan is becoming more concrete, so too are the potential opportunities and concerns for the food system. Sharon Treat from the Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy (IATP) talks us through five key risks. […]

Latest from EU Member States

The Great Polish Landgrab | Part 2

In the second of his two articles on landgrabbing in Poland, Hans Wetzels reports on rural Poland, the rise of the populist right and on sociological critiques of populist claims. We see that landgrabbing, large corporations and EU policy impact some areas and sectors differently to others […]

Latest from key partners

#EU3F | The EU Food and Farming Forum – An experiment in co-creation

IPES-Food hosted the EU Food and Farming Forum – #EU3F – the culmination of 3 years of work to create a Common Food Policy. The aim of EU3F is to co-create a Common Food Policy (CFP), following 3 years of multi-stakeholder, Brussels-based Policy Labs, a range of Local Labs in cities across Europe and work with 30 partner organisations. Helene Schulze of ARC reports on how it went.

Latest from EU Member States

The Great Polish Land Grab | Part 1

There has been unrest in rural communities across Poland for some years. Land prices have increased dramatically and despite a moratorium on foreign land purchasing, foreign entities have found a way to buy land. Polish farmers are despairing and protesting en masse. Hans Wetzels reports from Poland on land grabbing. […]