So Who Are These ARC People?

ARC2020 is at once an old and a young organisation. Only a decade ago, an array of organisations came together when Commissioner Dacian Ciolos was at the helm in Agriculture. This seemed like a good opportunity to develop a shared vision for farming, food and rural considerations. These organisations came from many spheres – agriculture, consumers, rural development, health, animal welfare and more. The Early Days 2010-2015 Our activities in this period consisted of working with others to try to make the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) more fit for purpose – more adapted to the real needs of people and planet. To this end, we developed a Communication with 150+ organisations from all over Europe. So from 2010 to 2015, we were a European platform for 150+ NGOs, CSOs and farmer organisations advocating a radical reform of the CAP. You can read our 2010 Communication of European Civil Society to the European Institutions for sustainable farming and rural renaissance here. Our good food march (and cycle!) to Brussels of 2012, which began in rural Europe and […]

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Do you like what we do? Do want to help us build a critical mass for reform?  Then why not let us know so we can add you to our FRIENDS OF THE ARC list! EMBARK ON THE ARC TODAY!     EU NETWORKS APRODEV EUROMONTANA The European Rural Alliance EUROPE DIRECT – Carrefour europeo Emilia Armenia Armenian Women for Health & Healthy Environment NGO Austria Inter-University Research Centre for Technology, Work and Culture Belgium Collectif Stratégies Alimentaires VODO Flemish Sustainable Development Platform Vredeseilanden Bulgaria AGROLINK Association Croatia Ecologica Hungary CEEweb for Biodiversity France Groupe de Recherche en Agriculture Biologique (GRAB) Association des Chambres d’Agriculture de Pyrénées Fondation Sciences Citoyennes PAC 2013 Germany Die Agronauten Umweltbund  Grüne Liga Zukunftstiftung-Landwirtschaft Heimatbund Thüringen e.V.  Italy AGRIREGIONIEUROPA Lithunia Lithuanian Centre for LEADER and Agricultural Training Lithuanian Instutute of Agrarian Economy Macedonia ALKA Center for Sustainable Development ProRuralInvest Poland Alliance of Associations Polish Green Network Fundacja Partnerstwo Dorzecze Słupi Carpathian Foundation Institute for Sustainable Development Foundation of Assistance Programmes for Agriculture FAPA Dolina Strugu Association – Strug Valle Portugal […]