
ARC Newsflash – September 2014

Dear friends and supporters, Welcome to our September newsletter! As Autumn and the political season kick into gear once again, we’re helping build agroecological solutions to the business as usual model of food production. Three of Arc2020’s team are out and about promoting this work in September. Samuel Feret will showcase a poster on agroecology at the FAO’s seminar in Rome; Oliver Moore is presenting abut our agroecology approach and project at the European Organic Congress in Bari, while Robert Pederson has just attended the University of Copenhagen agroecology conference.We at Arc2020 see agroecology as holistic – it encompasses not just more environmentally benign production inputs, practices and processes: it is about stronger people-nature connectivity throughout the food system. It is about shorter distribution chains. It is about science, farmers and activists coming together to do food differently, in a way which is in keeping with the carrying capacity of the planet and with the real human need for connection.Some highlights from August: Agritourism in Romania The Original CSA? exclusive Arc2020 Interview with Ryoko Shimizo of Japan’s SEIKATSU UK taps into Agroecology […]


ARC Newsflash August 2014

ARC NEWSFLASH AUGUST 2014 Dear friends and supporters, Welcome to our August newsletter! We’ve been busy, working away especially on TTIP and agroecology over the last month. In many ways, these two strands of the agri-food world are poles apart. One deals with corporations on both sides of the Atlantic, and their cronies, trying to make labour, environment, health and safety rules weaker. The other presents solutions for making agri-food, rural communities and the living world better. Can you guess which is which? :-) Both these areas, as well as a shocking story on farm labour from Romania, a positive story on pesticides and people power, as well as lots of useful dates for upcoming events, make up the core of this August newsletter. More highlights from our recent posts include: Leave it to Tescos: UK food imports food security Permaculture: Green Solutions in the Greek Countryside Pioneer’s GM Maize 1507: the full history in Europe WWOOFing in Romania Don’t forget we have a regularly updated newsticker (recent updates include TTIP, bees, ‘fat tax’, pesticides & biodiversity), the 2000m² project, and we are very active on […]

ARC2020’s new agroecology project

Bulgaria | Czech Republic | Hungary | Poland | Romania | Spain | UK | Germany The new Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) post 2013 has been agreed. It introduces measures to manage natural resources, as well as the development of rural areas. For this to happen depends on how national implementation is carried out, and how member states use the instruments offered through the policy. The big challenge is to offer rural actors in different member states the right information to make this policy work. It is also important that citizens are informed and supporting these new changes. Za Zemiata (Bulgaria), Hnutí Duha (Czech Republic), Magyar Természetvédok Szövetsége (Hungary), Amigos de la Tierra (Spain), Green Institute (Poland), Friends of the Earth Europe and ARC2020 have started an information and communication campaign to help spread information about the issue. What will be happening in these countries over the next few months? Bulgaria Bulgaria joined the EU only in 2007 and some of the CAP measures to ensure the sustainable management of natural resources are not well known to farmers. Over the past years there has been also a trend of intensifying farming and of young […]