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January 2012 NEWSFLASH

Dear friends of the ARC!Happy new year to you all and welcome to the January issue of the ARC NEWSFLASH! ARC has started the new year with a bang. Our highlight was hosting a debate with Dacian Cioloş and a number of civil society organisations on January 20th in Berlin. The lively question and answer session which ensued gave different groups a chance to raise their concerns directly with the EU Agriculture Commissioner.Encouraged by the constructive debate, the Commissioner announced that he will organise a conference with civil society in July this year in Brussels to continue the dialogue. The following day (still in Berlin), members and organisations from the ARC network attended the ‘Wir haben es Satt‘ demonstration which saw a crowd of 23,000 consumers, farmers, beekeepers, environmental and animal rights activists,and developmental groups gather in front of Germany’s government offices to demand an end to industrial farming practices.January was also the 50th anniversary of the CAP. On 23rd January, ARC issued a press release with our signatories, Friends of the Earth Europe and IFOAM EU Group. After 50 years of support for a failing system, we called upon […]

So Who Are These ARC People?

ARC2020 is at once an old and a young organisation. Only a decade ago, an array of organisations came together when Commissioner Dacian Ciolos was at the helm in Agriculture. This seemed like a good opportunity to develop a shared vision for farming, food and rural considerations. These organisations came from many spheres – agriculture, consumers, rural development, health, animal welfare and more. The Early Days 2010-2015 Our activities in this period consisted of working with others to try to make the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) more fit for purpose – more adapted to the real needs of people and planet. To this end, we developed a Communication with 150+ organisations from all over Europe. So from 2010 to 2015, we were a European platform for 150+ NGOs, CSOs and farmer organisations advocating a radical reform of the CAP. You can read our 2010 Communication of European Civil Society to the European Institutions for sustainable farming and rural renaissance here. Our good food march (and cycle!) to Brussels of 2012, which began in rural Europe and […]

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ARC2020 in the news

Press coverage of the 2014 ‘We are fed up!’ demonstration here Press coverage of the Landgrabbing Speakers Tour here Press coverage of the Good Food March here  ARD Nachtmagazin, 03.04.2014 (from 14:31, in German) – report on ARC2020 demonstration in Cottbus in front of agricultural ministers meeting 2000 Quadratmeter für einen Menschen Deutschlandfunk, 31.03.2014 (in German; feature on 2000m² project) En Basse-Saxe, les limites d’une agriculture productiviste,, 17.09.2013 Tausdende demonstrierten gegen Schlachthof, Hamburger Morgenpost, 02.09.2013 Bürger haben es Satt, ZDF, 31.08.2013 Grüne demonstrieren für Alternative zur Massentierhaltung –, 31.08.2013 Zelten gegen Masställe in Wietze,, 31.08.2013 Für sauberes Essen: Massenprotest in Wietze,, 31.08.2013 Menschenkette umzingelt Schlachthof in Wietze, Hannoverische Allgemeine, 31.08.2013 Le Parlement en ébullition sur la réforme de la PAC, EurActiv, 11.03.2013 How could the public sector build a strong farmer-civil society alliance for a greener Common Agricultural Policy (CAP)? Blogactiv, 07.03.2013 Gerangel um mehr Grün, Die Zeit, 31.10.2012 Cioloş promotes ties between farmers, consumers in CAP reform, EurActiv, 20.09.2012 Benedikt Haerlin, Arc 2020, On The Good Food March, viEUws – 19.09.2012 Farmers and civil society […]