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–Research community publications

Agricultural Policy Monitoring and Evaluation 2012 OECD Countries – September 2012 Achieving Food Security in the Face of Climate Change The CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS) CAP reform options: A challenge for analysis and synthesis Jambor and Harvey – March 2010 Conflicting demands of land use, soil biodiversity and the sustainable delivery of ecosystem goods and services in Europe Soil Service – April 2012 Direct and Intermediated Marketing of Local Foods in the United States Sarah A. Low and Stephen Vogel, United States Department of Agriculture – November 2011 EU agricultural policy: Responding to the crisis? Stefan Tangermann – 10 November 2011 Future CAP financing for 2014–2020: Implications for the ACP Agritrade – December 2011 Global Food Policy Report 2011 International Food Policy Research Institute – April 2012 Globalising Hunger: Food Security and the EU’s Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) Thomas Fritz, The Transnational Institute – December 2011 Organic farming is superior to conventional agriculture according to 30-year comparative study September 2011 Moving away from business as usual in agriculture Institut […]

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European Union publications

European Commission, Directorate-General for Agriculture and Rural Development   Legal proposals for the CAP after 2013 Commission Communication on the CAP towards 2020   Information below courtesy of the European Commission’s website: >> Read the Commission Communication >> Read the citizens’ summary >> Read the press release >> Read the background memo >> Watch the slide show[858 KB] European Commission, DG for Agriculture and Rural Development : “An analysis of the EU organic sector” “Your ideas matter” – reform consultation by the European Commission European Parliament : Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development Draft report (+amendments) – The CAP towards 2020: Meeting the food, natural resources and territorial challenges of the future (the so-called Deß report) European Parliament resolution of 8 July 2010 on the future of the Common Agricultural Policy after 2013 (2009/2236(INI)) European Parliament : motion for resolution on agriculture in areas with natural handicaps Report commissioned by the European Parliament on the SPS scheme after 2013 Committee of the Regions DRAFT OPINION The CAP towards 2020: Meeting the food, natural resources and […]

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–Civil society publications

ON THE CAP APRODEV – CAP Statement (February 2013) APRODEV – Crop Rotation in the CAP reform: Relevance of WTO constraints, benefits and control (February 2013) APRODEV, Friends of the Earth Europe, IFOAM EU Group and Pesticide Action Group – Crop Rotation: Benefitting farmers, the environment and the economy (July 2012) Arbeitsgruppe Landwirtschaft und Ernährung im Forum Umwelt und Entwicklung: Vorschläge zur Reform der EU-Agrarpolitik müssen die Probleme aus der industriellen Tierhaltung angehen (June 2012) EU agricultural policy reform proposals must address the problems arising from industrial livestock production EU BirdLife partners – A Strong Rural Development Policy: The key to unlocking the CAP’s green potential (June 2012) BirdLife / EEB / EFNCP / IFOAM / WWF – Proposal for a new EU Common Agricultural Policy BirdLife / EEB / EFNCP / IFOAM / WWF – Common briefing following discussions in the Council on Greening of the CAP  (June 2012) CONCORD – The Future of the European Common Agricultural Policy and Development The Council for British Archaeology – Crunch Time for CAP ELARD – Position on […]

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About ARC2020

The Agricultural and Rural Convention 2020 (ARC) is a network open to all those interested in the Future of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP). The ARC and its members are now contributing actively to the continuing debate on the future of the CAP and believe that policies must change radically in the face of rising challenges. […]


ARC Newsflash 10 June 2011

European Parliament’s Dess Report adopted, but falls behind expectations On 25 May, the European Parliament’s Committee on Agricultural and Rural Development (COMAGRI), as expected, has adopted a report setting out its views on the CAP towards 2020. The committee found a compromise position on the huge differences between the political groups about the future of European farmers and rural regions and so avoided a false start into it newly-endowed co-decision powers. That is the good news. The bad news is that the message is not sufficiently concrete or ambitious, and does not respond to the expectations of civil society as laid down in our ARC communication which was published in parallel with Commissioner Ciolos’s reform proposals last year. We are missing a clear statement by the Parliament on how the future Common Agricultural Policy will organise the urgently needed transition towards sustainable farming and food systems, with synergies between plant and animal production, good management of biodiversity, soils and water through crop rotation and a serious reduction of non-renewable inputs like fertilisers, pesticides and oil-based […]

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–1st ARC Conference

Building our common future: Finalising a “Communication of Civil Society to the EU on the Future of Agriculture and Rural Policies”   The first ARC Conference took place on 4-5 November 2010 at the Committee of the Regions in Brussels. After two rounds of consultation within the ARC network, the ARC members and supporters along with observers finalised their “Communication of Civil Society to the European Institutions on the Future of Agricultural and Rural Policy”. Dacian Cioloş gave the opening address on first day of the conference. It was the most important step of the ARC network to date. Gathered in Brussels for two days, the ARC network put the final touches on its Communication of Civil Society to the European Union on the Future of Agriculture and Rural Policies.  In a common statement, the civil society organisations assembled in Brussels described the two funds through which this new policy should be implemented : the European Agricultural Fund focused on food and farming; and the European Rural Fund, focused on the wider rural economy and territorial development. […]