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Myrto Pipsini

Myrto Pipsini’s work covers both Greece and Spain.  Currently a freelancer, Myrto has 15 years experience in environmental organisations, campaigning on agriculture and food issues. Being based in Spain and Greece, and being a lover of all good and natural Mediterranean food, she is experimenting with growing her own food, putting in practice what she is campaigning for. Recent posts by Myrto Pipsini Shooting in the strawberry fields: a Greek Tragedy Greece: National Proposals for the new CAP Travelling and Celebrating the Freedom of Seeds New report points to decline in support for GM crops Roundup Ready soybeans, worse than you thought 2/3 of Honeybee Pollen Contaminated with “Chemical Cocktail” Of Pollinators, Politics and Pesticides: be(e) vigilant! Beware the Greek Minister bearing a new GM proposal Will the Commission authorise controversial GM Maize 1507? Mum, I want to be a farmer but they won’t let me! CAP Monologues in Greece CAP in Spain: Deciding for the Farmers Without the Farmers Concern over pesticides in fruit & veg in Greece Greenpeace urges further action on bees […]

Briefing notes: Seeds

Farmers & growers have saved seeds since farming & growing began. Seeds are a core and essential part of many farming systems, and farmers’ ownership and control of seeds  – seeds they save, open pollinated seeds, and an apt, varied range of seeds for both food security and food sovereignty – is one of the biggest agri-food issues of our times. Key Issues The nexus of the problem with how seeds operate in the food system is this: a small handful of agri-food and chemical giants have significant control of the ever tightening seed market. Meanwhile small farmers, gardeners and growers are finding it more and more difficult to save and access seeds.  Current proposals at the EU level may compound this situation. These are also threats to seed saving, often under the guise of supposed improvements in efficiency, performance and safety. When legislation is written with the interests of the major corporations involved in seeds in mind, it inevitably ends up promoting a business-as-usual model of limited varieties, use of pesticides, GM and other agri-industrial inputs and […]