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Latest from EU Member States

Cameron’s EU stance undermines coalition outlook

The fallout from David Cameron’s à la carte EU membership speech is likely to divide the UK’s parliamentary voice in the crucial final round of CAP reform negotiations. The UK prime minister has done more than offend European political figures who might once, under other circumstances, have heard him out. He has effectively locked himself out of several processes at once and scored more than one own goal in domestic politics, into the bargain. This increases the opportunities to recruit MEP support for the crucial European Parliamentary vote on the CAP in March. As the head of a UK coalition government, Cameron has ridden roughshod over the Liberal Democrat (Lib Dem) parliamentarians who keep him in power. Deputy prime minister and Lib Dem leader Nick Clegg is both a former MEP and former European Commission civil servant: he also speaks Dutch, Spanish, French and German. Clegg was one of the first to criticise the prime minister’s bull-in-a-china-shop performance when one of Downing Street’s worst-kept secrets finally saw the light of day. He described Cameron’s notion […]

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–The Good Food March 2012

The Good Food March 2012 saw citizens, young people and farmers come together throughout August and September to call for a greener and fairer agricultural policy in Europe, as well as more democratic reform of Europe’s Common Agricultural Policy. Some set out on bike journeys to Brussels from Austria, Germany, France, Luxembourg, Holland, Belgium and the UK; whilst others organised diverse and colourful events in countries such as Poland, Finland, Romania, Bulgaria and Spain. Find some fantastic photos of the German bike route here. The aim was to raise awareness of the current CAP reform process, and enable citizens to send their demands for the future policy directly to decision makers in Brussels. The call for action was issued jointly by ARC2020, European Coordination Via Campesina, European Milk Board, Friends of the Earth Europe, IFOAM EU Group, Meine Landwirtschaft, PAC2013 and Slow Food in May 2012. Find it below: Let’s march to Brussels! да шестваме до Брюксел! Auf geht’s nach Brüssel! Lad os marchere til Bruxelles! ¡Vamos a Marchar a Bruselas! Marchons vers Bruxelles!Låt oss […]