Latest from Brussels

Seeds of Europe – Centering Small Producers’ Voices in Seed Law Reform

On November 28, in collaboration with SEED Luxemburg and the Greens/EFA, the Seeds4All project took part in the organisation of a conference at the European Parliament on the future of seeds. Delving into the heart of the matter, the main aim of the event was to spotlight the specific voices and urgent demands of artisan seed producers in the context of the reform of the European legislative framework applicable to the sale and exchange of seeds. […]

Seeds of Europe: Giving a voice to small producers

Seeds4All is pleased to contribute to the organisation of a public event in the European Parliament on the upcoming seed law reform. As well as a screening of the documentary “Seeds of Europe”, a panel discussion will tackle the issues of producing and marketing seeds in the EU. Sharing voices from the field, Seeds4All is working with projects partners to win political attention and support for the transition to seed-growing practices that promote ecology, short supply chains and the pleasure of eating! The event will be livestreamed, but those lucky enough to be present in person will enjoy a tasting of traditional Geuze beer produced by the 3 Fonteinen Brewerij from ancient varieties of cereals grown in Belgium, as well as a tasting of artisanal bread from the bakers of the Belgian network Au Coeur du Pain. Programme 19:00: Opening words by MEPs Tilly Metz and Martin Haüsling. 19:05: Screening of the documentary “Seeds of Europe” directed by Lennard Kleinschmidt and Lotta Schwenkert, spotlighting the work and legal demands of artisan seeds producers from Ireland, […]

Latest from key partners

We Can’t Eat Promises! Good Food Good Farming month culminates in Brussels protest

“We can’t eat promises!” – The slogan of the Good Food Good Farming protest for a better food system, which took place in Brussels on November 8, 2023. The protest was the culmination of the Good Food Good Farming October Action Days, and highlighted the urgent need for transformative agri-food policies to realise key aspects of the EU’s Farm to Fork Strategy. […]

Main stories

The Policy Paradoxes of Underutilised Crops

Why do nearly 50% of our calories come from the same three crops: wheat, rice, and maize? Underutilised crops (UCs) boast a long history of cultivation in many parts of the world and hold great nutritional and environmental promise for the future of our food systems. What role for policy and a value chain approach which considers access to seeds, the ecological aspects of agricultural production, the power positions of stakeholders, the nutritional value of food, and food security and sovereignty? […]

Latest from Brussels

EU-Australia Trade Deal Goes Down Under in Osaka – Why?

After years working towards clinching a free trade deal between Australia and the EU, talks went ‘down under’ on Sunday (29 October) in Osaka after the two sides beefed over market access for agricultural products. So what happened –  what’s the beef between these two?  – and what does the UK have to do with the dramatic turn of events?  Natasha Foote reports […]

Main stories

A Sustainable Food System Law Paving the Way for an Ambitious CAP Reform

As has become very familiar in recent months, another opportunity to better integrate CAP and the pledges of the European Green Deal is being missed. Instead of watering down the ambition, this time the mainstream political establishment simply postponed or abandoned DG SANTE’s law proposal for a European Framework for Sustainable Food Systems. Yet, there are many ways the CAP or the Long-Term Vision for Rural Areas could accompany and bridge with the upcoming SFS. […]

Latest from key partners

Seeds, New GMOs & Food Policy Councils – Diversity Event Comes to Dublin

The 12th Forum of the European Coordination of Let’s Liberate Diversity, held in the Irish capital, drew over 100 participants from all over Europe and beyond, including Minister of State at the Irish Department of Agriculture, Pippa Hackett. The importance of agrobiodiversity, of food policy councils and the risks of the proposed European seed marketing proposal emerged as key themes from a vibrant event held in Dublin last week.  […]

Main stories

Planet Local Summit – International Vision for a Localised Future

Local food was a focus of the Planet Local Summit, a global gathering in Bristol, UK earlier this month that served to highlight the unparalleled value of the grassroots. The ‘largest gathering of its kind’, it was a rare in-person opportunity for actors from all over the world to learn, share and celebrate together, in a showing of solidarity for the movement. Ursula Billington reports from Bristol. […]

Main stories

CAP Social Conditionality: A Game Changer for Farm Workers?

In a new CAP that largely maintains the status quo, social conditionality emerges as one of the few truly innovative elements. But is it going to be a real game-changer? This new legislative tool has the potential to improve the working conditions of millions of farm workers. But does it offer the means to achieve this goal? In this article, we will explore what can be anticipated and discuss ways to enhance its effectiveness. […]

European Coordination Let’s Liberate Diversity 12th Forum

What’s happening?  A forum for people working with seeds, agrobiodiversity and food systems, in Dublin, Ireland, 26-28th October. After 15 years of cooperation among partners from various countries, the European Coordination Let’s Liberate Diversity! (ECLLD!) has recognised the importance of creating a platform to facilitate the exchange of experiences, perspectives, and insights among its members. This platform encourages local actions to promote diversity within our food systems. To achieve this, ECLLD! connects the experiences and efforts of different individuals and groups, including farmers, gardeners, researchers, and small seed companies. The annual European meetings of the Let’s Liberate Diversity! Forum (LLD) are one way to do this.  Register for the forum Register for the field trips and workshops DUBLIN LLD Programme Organised by the European Coordination Let’s Liberate Diversity and hosted in different European countries on a rotating basis, these gatherings represent a vibrant convergence of knowledge and expertise. These three-day forums offer a unique opportunity for participants to come together, share ideas, and collectively explore the vital theme of cultivated diversity and dynamic seed management. […]

Main stories

French CAP Strategic Plan : EU Sued over Approval of the Plan

Did the Commission breach its own laws by approving the French CAP Strategic Plan? According to Collectif Nourrir and ClientEarth, it did! After their internal request for an internal review of the approval of the plan fell short, the two organisations decided to take it to the next level, and bring the case to the Court of Justice of the European Union. So what are their arguments? And what results can be expected of the process? Let’s assess […]

Main stories

Upland Farmers Face Harsh Realities in Post-Brexit England | Part 1

In July 2023, Marianne Landzettel travelled to Northumberland, England to meet and interview four farm families. The resulting story portrays the difficulties upland farmers face as they navigate compounding crises. The phasing out of EU direct payments and their replacement with a system based on ‘public money for public goods’, combine with high input costs, extreme weather events, and increased market competition to threaten farm futures. […]