Main stories

Letter From The Farm | Learning from a Campesino Family in Cuba

In Cuba, food security is still a challenge after years of wars to fight against colonialism, imperialism and climate change. Yet, the island is far beyond the European Green Deal objectives, having largely achieved most of the Farm to Fork and Biodiversity targets that the EU aspires to attain by 2030. One Cuban farm is going even further. Welcome to La Finca del Medio, a 13.42-hectare family farm located in central Cuba, which is championing food sovereignty in the agroecological way. Matteo Metta writes from the farm. […]

Rural Resilience

Salon à la ferme | Les éleveurs entre chien et loup

Dans le cadre du salon à la ferme, ARC 2020 s’est rendu dans l’une des 200 fermes participantes. Ce salon initié par la confédération Paysanne en partenariat avec le réseau des FADEAR permet à chaque citoyen d’échanger sur l’agriculture paysanne avec ceux qui la pratiquent. En Savoie, le GAEC de la Fontaine, geré par Marine HUAUX et Loïc PERRIAUX, a proposé un temps de rencontres autour des thématiques spécifiques à l’agriculture de montagne et notamment la présence du loup. […]

Main stories

A Food, Feed and Fertilizer Crises | Ukraine

The agri-food system is very exposed  – and was even before the war in Ukraine and its implications. Nitrogen fertilizer has been the bedrock of how farming happens, and its availability has led to a very specific type of food production to flourish. Decisions must be made – about feeding people, about feeding pigs, about how a grass-based system can really function sustainably. Op-Ed from Stuart Meikle.   […]

Latest from the ARC network

Carbon Starvation – A Crisis Of Our Time?

Are we beginning to see carbon – the fundamental building block of all life – as a pollutant? Instead of demonising carbon as a cause of climate breakdown, we need to restore balance in the natural carbon cycle that has been disrupted by the use of artificial fertilisers. In advance of his upcoming series on farming within planetary boundaries, Stuart Meikle offers a primer on the complex role of carbon in our soils.  […]

Rural Resilience

Extrait de livre | Goûter à l’indépendance

Dans cet extrait du livre “L’EUROPE RURALE EN MOUVEMENT – Voyage aux pays des transitions”, Philippe Barret nous raconte l’histoire du Beaufortain (73), un petit territoire de 4 villages au cœur des Alpes françaises. Depuis le 17ème siècle ses habitants se réunissent pour préserver une agriculture familiale et la vie à la montagne. Dans ce chapitre, vous rencontrerez certaines des personnes impliquées dans « Nos campagnes en résilience » : la coordinatrice du projet Valérie Geslin, la bénévole Jeanine Sochas et le paysan Pierre Gachet. […]

Latest from EU Member States

Pesticide Poisonings – Numbers Revised Upwards Globally

15 times more pesticide poisonings occur annually now than 30 years ago. About 385 million cases of acute unintentional pesticide poisoning occur each year, according to a new systematic review on global pesticide poisoning. This is up from 25 million annually in 1990, the last year such an estimate was made. Here Justice Pesticides outlines key findings of that review, as well as a study on pesticide contamination near intensively managed agricultural areas in South Tyrol, Italy. […]

Latest from EU Member States

France | Building Rural Resilience From The Ground Up

ARC2020 is launching a new project in France to build rural resilience from the ground up. It’s called “Nos Campagnes En Résilience”. The goal is to empower rural communities to realise their own fair and socio-ecological transitions, by connecting and supporting the many exciting initiatives that are emerging on the ground. Why France? And why now? Hannes Lorenzen explains. […]

Main stories

Planning for Food Commons in a Post-COVID World

How can we learn from Covid-19 to make our food systems work better? Broadly, there are two strands, argue Stephen Leitheiser and Lummina Horlings. One, an eco-modernist tech utopianism, which sees an increased use of digital and technological tools which will increase the power of corporations. The other is a food commons approach. This values-based approach needs to be nourished by more holistic, decentralised policy making for a truly resilient response to current and future crises. […]

Latest from key partners

Billions for CAP as an “extinction machine” – Farm to Fork Derailed

Next week, likely on October 20, the European parliament will vote on a supposedly historical reform of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP), which accounts for over one third of the EU annual budget. But as it stands, it is rather set to become a historical failure of rather catastrophic proportions. Op-Ed by Nina Holland, Martin Pigeon and Hans van Scharen, researchers at Corporate Europe Observatory (CEO) […]