
ARC Newsflash July 2014

ARC NEWSFLASH JULY 2014 Dear friends and supporters, Welcome to our latest newsletter! As usual there’s lots going on here at Arc2020. We’re very excited to be working with Friends of the Earth Europe on a new agroecology and CAP project. You will start to see, in this newsletter and on our website, lots of agroecological best practice examples from around Europe. This will help us to play our part in signposting policy makers, campaigners and others towards a new, coherent, holistic EU agri-food policy in the years ahead. (We’ll use #agroeco on social media if you use facebook or twitter)Thank you to everyone who filled in the survey  – this too has helped us share our content and emphasis. We had lots of highlights in June, including a story which reach many thousands, aboutpeasant farmers in Romania winning a stunning victory over gold mining corporations. Below are some more highlights from the month of June: Preparing for the upcoming European Organic Congress, which we’re co-organising, we ran this inspiring story from France about Tierre de Liens, an organisation which helps young […]


ARC Newsflash – April 2014

Dear friends and supporters, As Europe has thawed, the next months will be very exciting for our 2000m² project. Last Sunday, we planted seeds on the field in Berlin, and are looking forward to growing both the representation of the global situation, and the project itself.  More on that below. A few other highlights from March on UK cooperative in fire sale of its farms: The UK’s food and farming sector is reeling with shock and disbelief as “Britain’s largest farmer”, The Cooperative, has put its farms up for sale. Ukraine’s Land Struggle with Russia: If 1 out of 3 agro-ecological zones would be removed from Ukraine’s possession, it would cause enormous consequences for farmers. Poland short-changes its organic farmers: Organic farming and agri-environmental schemes will not grow under current Rural Development plans. UN Rights to Food expert demands radical change: Olivier De Schutter warned that current food systems must be redesigned. The irony of national markets: cheap exports expensive imports: How our convoluted food system destroys food sovereignty. TTIP: how fat cats can turn nasty: Will the precautionary principle and other stalwarts […]

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Myrto Pipsini

Myrto Pipsini’s work covers both Greece and Spain.  Currently a freelancer, Myrto has 15 years experience in environmental organisations, campaigning on agriculture and food issues. Being based in Spain and Greece, and being a lover of all good and natural Mediterranean food, she is experimenting with growing her own food, putting in practice what she is campaigning for. Recent posts by Myrto Pipsini Shooting in the strawberry fields: a Greek Tragedy Greece: National Proposals for the new CAP Travelling and Celebrating the Freedom of Seeds New report points to decline in support for GM crops Roundup Ready soybeans, worse than you thought 2/3 of Honeybee Pollen Contaminated with “Chemical Cocktail” Of Pollinators, Politics and Pesticides: be(e) vigilant! Beware the Greek Minister bearing a new GM proposal Will the Commission authorise controversial GM Maize 1507? Mum, I want to be a farmer but they won’t let me! CAP Monologues in Greece CAP in Spain: Deciding for the Farmers Without the Farmers Concern over pesticides in fruit & veg in Greece Greenpeace urges further action on bees […]