Main stories

“Resilience and Transformation” – 5th SCAR Report’s Pathways for Europe’s Food System

The transition towards a sustainable food system that ensures access and availability to healthy and appropriate food while not harming ecosystems is now widely recognised as one of the most significant challenges facing the planet. What is the knowledge base that will support new structures, new practices and new behaviours? Gianluca Brunori chair of the 5th SCAR Foresight Exercise Expert group, reports. […]

Latest from EU Member States

Ireland | Wake Up and Smell the Ammonia

In Ireland, dangerous levels of ammonia emissions are driven largely by the burgeoning cattle population. Yet policymakers are turning a blind eye to the link between ammonia pollution and the expanding national herd. The evidence shows that Ireland is pursuing growth in the agri-food sector at the expense of air quality, biodiversity and human health, reports Alison Brogan. […]

Latest from Brussels

CAP, Interrupted – So Withdraw the CAP!

As trilogues to decide the future of CAP progress behind closed doors, the business-as-usual lobby is fighting its corner with some level of exacerbation. They are annoyed with the Commission, with the scientific community, and with young people in the decision-making corridors. Fridays for Future and a host of civil society stakeholders want the Commission to Withdraw the CAP, and the case for doing just this is mounting, as the chasm between the European Green Deal and CAP widens. […]

Latest from Brussels

MFF – Increased EU Budget for Biodiversity and More

Biodiversity, organic farming, young farmers and other areas received a welcome financial boost from the EU institutions on Tuesday (10th November).  The European Parliament’s negotiating team and the German Presidency of the Council reached agreement on the forthcoming Multiannual Financial Framework (MFF), the EU’s budget for 2021 – 2027.  […]

Latest from Brussels

Parliament Plenary – Here’s the Amendments to Vote for and Against

This week is an important one in Europe, with both the Council of Ministers and the Parliament meeting on CAP. MEPs have a plenary vote upcoming later this week . This means the Parliament  will adopt an overall, established position for the next stage – trialogue negotiations with Council and Commission. Here we link to all amendments and provide a quick guide to voting for and against certain amendments. […]

Latest from EU Member States

New Seed Platform – Seeds4All – Launches

Seeds4All is dedicated to seed diversity, and it aims to “give visibility to all European organisations that collect, enrich, produce, disseminate and sustainably use traditional and new varieties of seeds belonging to the public domain, freely reproducible and not genetically modified.” […]