Latest from EU Member States

UK online-only basic payments deadline approaches…

The UK parliament’s Environment, Food and Rural Affairs committee (EFRA) this week published its findings on the provision of rural broadband, warning that until there is completely reliable broadband coverage in the UK, “…there will be those who, through lack of online access, are disadvantaged through no fault of their own.” The committee heard that at present one in 10 CAP applicants either do not have a computer or do not use broadband. Last year, the Rural Payments Agency (RPA) wrote to 18,000 farmers in England who would no longer qualify for Pillar I area-based support, leaving some 90,000 registrations that need to be completed by the May 15 deadline. With fewer than 100 days to go, the National Farmers’ Union (NFU) is reporting that just over 22,500 farm businesses have registered. This means that registration levels will need to top 700 farms/day to meet the deadline requirements. The union has been emailing and texting members to remind them of the need to register. The RPA has set up 50 help centres across England, where […]

Latest from EU Member States

“Peasant” is not a bad word … but what does it mean?!

Written By:  Derek Freitas, Food Chains Campaign Coordinator for Eco Ruralis   General Context The word “peasant” is used in all sorts of ways to mean different things by many groups of people across the world. It is indeed very hard to define. This is particularly problematic due to the fact that the majority of decision-makers related to establishing agricultural policy at the national, EU and global levels don’t have an accepted reference point for understanding one another in a basic sense. Often, the only time when self-ascribed “peasants” feel that they are accurately portrayed is when they explain what that word means to them. But, again, even they disagree based on cultural, historical, geographical and individual differences.   Global Context The international peasant movement, La Via Campesina, calls for an International Convention on the Rights of Peasants and states the following in Article I of its own “Declaration on the Rights of Peasants – Women and Men”: “A peasant is a man or woman of the land, who has a direct and special relationship […]

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21st Century Agriculture in Majorca: Challenges and Alternatives

Travelling in Spain means passing through a diversity of cultures and different realities, but even so there is something fairly common to all: the impoverishment of citizens and their food sovereignty in favor of consumerism and mass tourism. Majorca is a clear example, where the territory’s economy is based on sun and beach tourism, which means tripling or quadrupling the resources in summer to cater for the temporary “immigrant” population. Even though all territories should be able to ensure their own food sovereignty and aim for more self-management, in the case of islands the necessity is even greater. The island of Majorca is completely dependent on the import of food and other primary and secondary resources. The need to enhance farmland, and promote what could be called ‘short-haul consumption’, local trade and the relationship between the farmer and the consumer is increasingly important. For this reason, within the European project “Making the CAP work for Society and the Environment”, Friends of the Earth Spain has analyzed the current agricultural situation in different territories of Majorca. […]


ARC NEWSFLASH December 2014

ARC NEWSFLASH December 2014 Save the date! 10 and 11th February 2015 Conference & Civil society gathering on GOOD FOOD and GOOD FARMING Renewing civil society’s agenda towards sustainable food and agriculture on  10 and 11th February 2015 in Brussels Hello from Oliver and Luise, Arc2020’s Communication team! Welcome to our December newsletter, this month we have some exciting news to share:The Agricultural and Rural Convention 2020 (ARC2020), Friends of the Earth Europe and IFOAM EU invite you to participate in a civil society gathering and conference on February 10/11 2015 in Brussels, hosted by the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC). Why you should attend? People of all ages across Europe are hungry for change and want to see better agri-food policies based on agro-ecological principles. This conference and gathering will help develop a civil society agenda for the agroecological changes needed in the food system, including in Europe’s Common Agricultural Policy (CAP). Good food and farming practices already taking place across Europe will be highlighted. This 2-day event brings together representatives from civil society, grassroots groups, researchers, national/regional authorities, policymakers and more […]