Latest from key partners

#EU3F | The EU Food and Farming Forum – An experiment in co-creation

IPES-Food hosted the EU Food and Farming Forum – #EU3F – the culmination of 3 years of work to create a Common Food Policy. The aim of EU3F is to co-create a Common Food Policy (CFP), following 3 years of multi-stakeholder, Brussels-based Policy Labs, a range of Local Labs in cities across Europe and work with 30 partner organisations. Helene Schulze of ARC reports on how it went.

Main stories

Patriotism, Food Sovereignty & Contemporary Ukraine

Over the last few years, Ukraine went through dramatic political, socio-economic and cultural changes. Dr. Natalia Mamonova investigates how the rising Ukrainian national identity and patriotic sentiments during the geopolitical conflict with Russia changed the ways in which Ukrainian smallholders see their household farming. The revealed transformation may lead to an emergence of a food sovereignty movement in Ukraine. […]

Latest from EU Member States

Does the Gove fit? Radical Shake up for UK Farming & Food after CAP & Brexit?

UK Ag minister Micheal Gove has claimed Brexit is a golden opportunity to create an independent, public goods focused national agri-food policy. This policy position has been praised by many, from environmentalists to the NFU. However, is he speaking with a forked tongue? And if not, then what might this potentially radical rupture signal for the EU and CAP? […]

Latest from key partners

Birdlife Europe – 4 Policy Instruments for CAP overhaul

BirdLife Europe & Central Asia have made proposals to substantially overhaul the CAP. The NGO proposes four instruments in the areas of farming; food, biodiversity and what they call “Space for Nature”. Also proposed is the end of the two pillar system, parity for environmental legislators, a radical change in farmer payments and in risk management. […]

Main stories

What are the Big Issues for Food, Farming & Rural Places?

There are some big and pressing topics in agri-food and for rural places. Some of these are ongoing – rural and farming depopulation, land access, agroecology, economic and ecological disparities in the Common Agricultural Policy – and others are new. So what’s new – and what’s worth covering in debate form? […]