Main stories

Make Soil Great Again!

As Earth Day approaches, it’s time to recommend some skin care for Mother Nature. Restoring soil fertility is one of humanity’s best options for making progress on three daunting challenges: Feeding everyone, weathering climate change and conserving biodiversity. […]

Latest from Brussels

EESC Glyphosate Debate as it Unfolded

The momentum behind the European Citizens’ initiative (ECI) to Ban Glyphosate (#BanGlyphosate) brought the campaign all the way to the corridors of the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) in the EU quarter of Brussels Wednesday. Oliver Moore reports. […]

Latest from Brussels

EESC Meeting on #BanGlyphosate – Livestream

A European Citizens’ Initiative (ECI) has recently been launched to call on European Commission to propose a ban on glyphosate-based herbicides, “exposure to which has been linked to cancer in humans, and has led to ecosystems degradation” according to the ECI organisers. You can follow the debate live tomorrow, which includes Oliver Moore of ARC2020, at 11.30 CEST – Brussels time). […]