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Bonn Climate Change Negotiations Kick Off

With little time for negotiating left before governments are expected to meet in Paris to agree a new global climate deal, negotiators are meeting once again in Bonn this week for the latest round of UN climate talks. Pavlos Georgiadis is there, and he gives us this report. More will follow during the week. @geopavlos In order to get an adequate agreement, discussions need to intensify efforts to ensure that a range of key elements of the draft text are strengthened. These elements include finance for loss and damage caused by global warming, as well as adaptation and mitigation to the effects of climate change. What is also important to get back into the context of the Paris UNFCCC negotiations, is the language on decarbonisation of the global economy as a source of emerging long term consensus. Also important is scaling up political ambition for action, including regular reviews. Negotiators need to finish this week in Bonn with a text that contains a few clear political options for each of these elements. This text is […]

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20,000+ march in London against climate change

More than 20,000 climate change activists marched through central London on March 7, demanding a resolution of the international political logjam that is preventing world leaders from taking positive action on global warming. Thousands of UK demonstrators streamed down Whitehall waving flags, banners and placards, passing the security-fenced entrance to Downing Street. A phalanx of cyclists followed an elaborate winged bicycle bearing the message “Love your Mum” and cartoon images of an overheating globe with a thermometer in its mouth. On an unseasonally warm and sunny spring afternoon, the crowds brought an urgent message to Parliament Square that very few of UK politicians want to hear: climate change is already upon us. Speaking at the end of the march, Green MP Caroline Lucas made the point very forcefully: “The politicians in there are afraid,” she told the throng. “They are afraid because they don’t know what to do.” More to the point, industrial agriculture is a source of greenhouse gases (GHGs) at a time when farming should be part of the solution. The idea is […]

Latest from Brussels

Biofuels vote includes Indirect Land Use Change

The European Parliament (EP) voted Wednesday to include what is called Indirect Land Use Change (ILUC) considerations in its biofuels targets. What effect will this have on the EU’s renewable energy, climate change and also on land use? This European Parliament vote means that the real climate impact, due to displacement of food production, will be taken into account in the EU’s biofuel targets and policies. A cap of 6% on land-based biofuels, including energy crops, has been adopted. According to Terhi Lehtonen environment advisor Greens/EFA group: “This would be the minimum necessary to take real measures to tackle the climate, food security and other social impacts due to displacement of food production that is caused by EU biofuels policy.” Lehtonen adds: “The EP vote also signalled to the markets that future investments should be on biofuels with low-ILUC risk and no food based fuels should be supported after 2020.” How did the vote go? See votewatch here Background Biofuels are liquid fuels made mostly from crops which can be mixed with fossil fuels to […]