Latest from Brussels

Pesticides under Pressure | EU Parliament and Progressive Places Putting Biodiversity First

With insect Armageddon and biodiversity collapse making the headlines, pesticides are public enemy No. 1. Scientists are now naming and shaming pesticides as a key driver of biodiversity loss. Even the European Parliament has caught the bug. MEPs insist that the new CAP must do more to shrug off our dependency on agrochemicals. Meanwhile farmers are showing that – with the right supports – instead of scapegoats for biodiversity loss, they can be part of the solution. […]

Latest from EU Member States

Ireland’s New Organic Action Plan | Committed – to What?

Like most EU Member States, Ireland periodically develops an action plan for its organic sector. There, a team of stakeholders, drawn from the conventional and organic sectors, as well as representatives of the Irish state’s Department of Agriculture, have developed the Organic Action Plan for Ireland, 2019-2025. Ireland has among the very lowest number of organic farmers, and organic land area, in European organics. So what difference will this plan make? […]

Latest from Brussels

IPES Food Launch a Common Food Policy

A Common Food Policy will help address “climate change, halt biodiversity loss, curb obesity, and make farming viable for the next generation” according to the new IPES Food report. More, including full report to download, in this article. […]

Latest from EU Member States

UK | A Bumpy Ride for the New Agriculture Bill

In all likelihood, the UK will leave the European Union. In place of the CAP, it has drafted a new Agriculture Bill which is passing through parliament at the moment. What does this bill look like? What are the implications? What further amendments are needed? Vicki Hird talks us through the details.  […]

Latest from key partners

#EU3F | The EU Food and Farming Forum – An experiment in co-creation

IPES-Food hosted the EU Food and Farming Forum – #EU3F – the culmination of 3 years of work to create a Common Food Policy. The aim of EU3F is to co-create a Common Food Policy (CFP), following 3 years of multi-stakeholder, Brussels-based Policy Labs, a range of Local Labs in cities across Europe and work with 30 partner organisations. Helene Schulze of ARC reports on how it went.